Sunday, January 30, 2005
Just gettin' back from a night on the town. Yes, I have lost my ability to stay sober. But, I have to do something with my time, aye? It was an alright time, me and my ol' college buddy Kev went to the bars to track beaver with no luck of course. It's cool when you see some people you haven't seen in a while and not as cool when drunks act like they're something they're not. I could have acted on my emotions but I didn't want to go back to jail. You know how that is. Whatever. It was cool to get out and mingle again though. No hangover to worry about today, so that's super duper. I'm such a dork. I can't wait for the Super Bowl next week. It's gonna be an awesome game. Plus the Sports Guy is having his running SB Blog which is going to be entertaining. I got 99 problems but a b*%$# ain't one! Yeah, I'm a dope rapper... okay, no I'm not. Just sitting here at work, trying to write my paper for my writing class on Michael Moore movies. I was 9 1/2 hours late today for work. It happens, man! Not much happenin' around these parts of the world. I 'spose I could go write my paper. I'm outta here, man! Later.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Bored As A... Something
Greetings and salutations fellow sexy creatures! It is Saturday here in God's country and not much to do for me today. What are people supposed to do on such a lovely day? I wonder. Hmm... I could volunteer at some volunteer thing. Check me out, trying to go volunteeer and I don't even know what they call those places. I suppose I could go check out the fine drinking establishments or go gamble, or go be a loser and go to the movie by myself (not that there's anything wrong with that [I did that Wednesday]). Anybody wanna go to a movie with me? Anyone? Hello? Well EFF you then!!! Just kidding. Well, I'm off to mingle. I'm outta here, man! Later. Oh, yeah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Yeah, I just bought the SNL Best of Jimmy Fallon, and I must say that it was even funnier than Will Ferrell's. But, I'm back to normal now. Just needed someone to hear my inner most... HAH! I don't have inner most anythings! Just my cravings for... stuff. I'm finally gettin' my groove back for the whole learning concept. Holy shit! I'm supposed to be in class right now!(Disregard the sentence about my groove and learning until further notice.) Well, now I might as well just finish up here. As of today, I am now an insured motorist. I have to be to get my f'n license back. It was suspended 3 years ago for going 62 in a 55 and not having insurance. Stupid laws! Yep, yep... just sitting here at the library, waiting for something to happen. Any thoughts from my loyal 4 readers? Or is it 3? I lost count, there are so many of you. The weekend is creeping up on me and will test my ablilty to remain alcohol free once again. My alcohol free streak is now at 5 days and counting. The only reason I drank last weekend (besides me being weak) was I got the NY's pictures back and it looked like I was having an awesome time. So I thought I should try and get it out of my system. So I did. I did have fun but still regret it. I'm still a foolish young man so I'm allowed a drink now and then, aye? What? No? Well, f you then! Just kidding! I don't know what I'm gonna do tonight with my newly found freedom. The night is young, I have a full tank of gas, and $8! Look out, world. I got my paycheck today, but I can't cash it until tomorrow. But I can go get some money out of the bank though! Yeah, that sounds like an idea. Alright kids, I'm off to find some trouble. Later.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Keepin' Focus
What up G's?! Yes, I am the biggest dork at BSU and RL Gaming and I apologize for that. Anyway, not much really happenin' around these parts lately besides me beating myself up about falling off the wagon. My new streak is at 3 days and counting! Just tryin' to stay positive. It's kind of hard though with all that happens with my family. I just recently lost an aunt (R.I.P Jean Red Eagle), so, it's kind of a difficult time for me to focus again. Over the past few years I have lost a lot of aunts and uncles. It makes me think about how the generation ahead of us are getting up there in age. The hardest thing for me when losing a family member is seeing the rest of the family hurt. I've always been a big boy when we experience a loss, with ice water in my veins. I'm not a very emotional person for some reason. It's one of my faults I suppose. But everyone acts like I can't handle bad news. I'm always the last to know everything. Times like these I start to think about EVERYTHING that has happened to those close to me. Things like how much I miss my sister and my nephews. They shouldn't have moved away from me. I just want them to come back home; how my mom has gone through so much the past few years, losing her older brothers and sisters. Her strength is what I admire the most. I hate going to wakes/funerals, but I enjoy seeing family members I haven't seen in a while. Does that make me a bad person? Or what? Life isn't fair, but we'll get through it I suppose. But I have to get back to where I was last week (focus on the good things, focus on the good things) so I don't end up like before, with all the stress, sleepless nights and panic attacks. So... oh yeah, I have a slight chance of my getting my financial aid back soon, but I'm not counting on it. F'n rules! Whatever. Well, I guess that's all that's going through my big, fat, empty head right now. I'll check you cats on the flip-flop. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds cool, doesn't it? Well, I thought it did. Later.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Face First
I have shamed myself. Yes, I regret to inform the world that I have fallen off the wagon of sobriety, face first. I am so weak. I don't know how it happend. But like the great Frank the Tank said, "Once it hits your lips, it tastes so good." Or something like that. So I come here today to announce my return to the game I once loved so much, the game we call partying. Nah, I'm just kidding. I will try once again to quit. This time I'll make it for months! Woohoo! Anyway, I got a decent run of games going at bowling Friday night. I started out with a 123 the first game, a 167 the second game and finished with a 156 the last game for an average of 123+167+156=446, 446/3=148.66. Well, I didn't suck as much as I did last week. This could just be me making excuses to drink, (yes, I always do that) but the more I drank, the better I bowled. Hmm. I suppose I could just practice more often, eh? The hangover wasn't too bad because I got to sleep all day. But, I was a little nervous. So I will try to quit, AGAIN! Now I have to get all my reading done for classes next week. No more holidays to look forward to except my B-day. 29 years old this year! Holy! I'm getting up there. That's all I got for now. I'll be back later on. Later.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Day 19: The Shakes
Howah, makwa! Aaniin da naa, ininii? Aaniish ezhi-a'yiyan? Gi-ace benais ina? Like that, eh? If anyone can figure that out, you just won (if you're a dude) a firm handshake and free advice from me or (if you're a smokin' hot chick) a full body massage and a nice, big... hug. Shame on you, having your mind in the gutter! Anyway, on with the bloggin'. Yes, it is my 19th day of sobriety and no, I don't have the shakes. The evil plan for today is to finish up my classes today and get ready for bowling. Another big test awaits me this evening, as I try to stay alcohol free once again. Plus I have to improve on last weeks showing at the lanes. But, my average has improved from last year's 119 (yeah, I sucked) to this year's 137 (now I don't suck as much). Hopefully I can avoid the temptations of the awesome parties that happen around tax time--I mean the alcohol gatherings that corrupt the Native bodies and minds! But, ONE beer with the bowling cousins couldn't hurt, right? Just ONE little, tiny, harmless beer. Man, I'm so weak! What would JEEEEZUS do?! I lost my first blog I was gonna write, so this is just a memory of that. It was the best blog of all time! But I'm off to do some learnin'! I'm outta here, man. Later.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Tax Time, BABY!
Woo! What a swell MLK holiday, huh? I took the time to succumb to the laziness that consumes me on a daily basis so I would be fresh as a steamy pile for the 2nd week of school. I got snowed in yesterday so I couldn't make it to school (or my blog), but it was nothing my W-2's couldn't cure. So I was off to do the people's taxes and was surprised to get a small chunk of that funky stuff--oops, that's a Snoop song! Classes are going good so far. Just as long as I show up regularly. I know, I know. I say that every semester. But this time I mean it 'cause I have to pay on my own this semester. So, there go my fricken taxes. Whatever, man. Not much else going on around the R-E-Z (am I the coolest ever, or what?) but stayin' sober and seeing the light that is alcohol free lifestyle (17 glorious/miserable days and counting). I'm slowly getting weaker. I NEED A FRICKEN BEER!!! Nah man, I'm cool. I'm a lot stronger mentally nowadays. At least I'm trying to be. So, I'm off to pay some bills for once! I'll see you guys later. I'm out like the PACKERS in the first round of the playoffs! Hee-hee.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Wait 'Til Next Year!
Well, the Vikings lost. It was kind of expected, I guess. It was a lose/lose situation for me. If they won, Mike Tice would be considered a genius and have a good chance to come back next year. But, since they lost, the season is now officially over. At least they beat the Packers! That made the season for me right there. Now I have a couple of free months until the baseball season starts and no idea what I'm going to do. I could finish the book I started 5 years ago. Or I could concentrate on my classes and stuff. Maybe even start going to the rec center. HA! I'll think of something. But I will be bloggin' it up from here on out! Damn! I have nothing else going on today. So don't change the dizzle, turn it up a litte... sorry about that. I'm listening to Snoop's "Drop it Like it's Hot". Alright, kids. I'm off to do some reading that I've been putting off since Thursday. I have to get on the ball if I want to fulfull my promise to you all by getting back on the dean's list (Yes, I was on there once, and only once, before). I'm out! Don't eat the bedbugs, or however that saying goes. Later.
2 Weeks Strong!
What... Is... Up?! Woohoo! It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in God's Country. The Vikings are about to kick off in a jiff, sobriety is working well for me, and I'm without money and I don't even care, even though I just got paid on Thursday. Whatever, man. No school tomorrow! Happy B-day MLK! You know, now that I think about it, who do Native people get to celebrate? Hmm... interesting topic. Could we celebrate Felipe Rose, who was so generous to donate a gold record of the hit single Y.M.C.A. to the Indian Museum in D.C. by the VILLAGE PEOPLE(!!!)? It was his b-day recently, you know. The VILLAGE PEOPLE!!! It makes me want to succeed super fast so I could put something in there. Are you serious?! THE VILLAGE PEOPLE!!! I'm too upset to continue. I have to go get ready for the Vikings game. I'll be bock. (That was my Ahh-nold impression.) Later, kids.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
I Stand Alone
This life of sobriety is a tough one. Everywhere I look, there are reminders of what my life used to be like. Getting calls at all hours of the night to go and party, trying to keep my mind off of alcohol is going to be difficult. I thought I would be supported by some in my mission to stay alcohol free, but, it looks like I'm on my own. Woo! This is going to be tougher than I thought. So it looks like I'll need to continue on as a blogger to keep a clear head. But anyway, other things are far worse in the world than my little problem. The tsunami in Asia is one thing that I can't get out of my head. An unpredictable natural disaster that killed over 150,000 still has me stunned. The world around us is falling apart. That's pretty scary. Bush should pull all of the troops out of Iraq and send them to help with the relief effort. That would make him the most popular president of all time. Yeah, pass that idea on! I am sooo smart. I should run for some sort of office. I have 3 years of college experience that I haven't used yet. Maybe I should graduate college first, aye? Whatever, man. First on my agenda would be to get the "Rez" on track somehow. There are so many problems, I wouldn't know where to begin. Senseless crimes and lack of respect have plagued us for so many years. How could we put an end to it all? We can't blame alcohol because this is an alcohol free "Rez", right? Yeah, right. Where did all of this start? When did this all start? Who knows... but there has to be a better way, right? Anyone? I know my trying to quit drinking is a laughing matter to all of those that know me. But I've had so many days when I was hanging over, my head throbbing, no taste in my mouth wondering how I got home or what did I do to humiliate myself yet again. I've done that a lot the past few years. I've tried to quit before and have failed over and over again. Can I stay sober? Probably not. I could blame those around me, but that's just an excuse to keep drinking. But what is there to do around here? Gamble, drink... not many options if you don't have any money. AND I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY! This is going to be real hard for me. I just hope I don't fail as often as I did the other times I tried to quit. I suppose I could get caught up on some reading for my classes next week. That's all I got. Alright, man. I'm outta here. Later, cats and kittens. (Excuse the lameness.)
13 Days and Counting...
It's been 13 days since my last drink and I feel like a hundred bucks! ($100 is a lot of money for me.) Last night I passed my first test. At the bowling alley, drink specials were there to taunt me but I actually held on (barely!). The other times I tried to quit drinking, I told myself, " one drink couldn't hurt." It was tough and I suppose it will get tougher. Whatever. Anyways...ON WITH THE RANT! The new school year looks promising for our hero. Intermediate Writing, Accounting I (again), People/Environment, and Intro to Computers are on the menu this semester. There is no way I should miss the dean's list! But I'll end up finding a way, like usual. What about that sports world?! A fight during the Wolves game! It shows why I'm just about to give up on sports altogether. The NBA is like Fredo to me, "You broke my heart." So I sent them out on a boat. Get it? The Godfather references make me feel cool. Do I sound cool? I didn't thinks so. All I've been doing lately is watching Napoleon Dynamite and Harold and Kumar over and over. By far the best movies I have seen this year, comedy wise. Freak Show needs his own movie! What would Jeeeeeezus do? Awesome. That'll be lunch people! (I'm at work right now.) I'll be back in a jiff! Later.
Friday, January 14, 2005
It's Friday!!!
Well, the first week of school for me has come and gone. Come to think of it, I should be in class right now! Son of a... but, it's early so I won't fall too far behind. And guess who forgot their books today? Yep, the day I was ready to give 'er hell. I forgot all of my f'n books! I don't know how, but I did. Anyway, tonight I go bowling and it will be my first test to see how my new non alcoholic lifestyle is going to work out. It's going to be tough, but... whatever. Woo! It's good to be alive! Yep... not much else going on today but classes. Next week I'll get started on my path to the dean's list. Why not this week? I figure I could use the extra week to prepare. I'm a slow motivator. I have all of my books ($170 worth) so I will have a lot to read this weekend... and watch the Vikings. That Randy Moss is a mystery. What the hell goes through his head? He was just about to get credit for motivating his team and he goes and moons the Packer faithful and takes heat from the media. If it weren't for the media, I would probably be upset with that display. But, they blew it way out of context. Now I think it was just him having fun with the crowd. It's done all the time in wrestling! But now, his remark when he was asked about his fine? That was the dumbest thing he could have possibly said. I was at a loss for words. This is what it must be like to raise teenagers. I have no idea what to do with him. Whatever, man.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Back To School...
It is time to go back to college for me. The spring semester is here and I'm just barely ready. I can't get my books until payday (Thurs.), need extra money for funding, my glasses are broke from the NY's celebration so I have to wear my prescription sunglasses 24/7, and my wipers are f'd up so I can't hardly see the f'n road when I drive to school! But anyways, I'm ready for some vicious learning at BSU this spring. If I survive this semester I'll have my associate's degree in liberal education. And it only took me 4 years!!! Man, I feel like Tommy Boy. Well, at least I'm still alcohol free. It's been 10 days for me since my last drink. Holy... I have a long road ahead of me. The longest I have ever gone without a beer is 45 days. I sound like a pitiful drunk. But this is something that I have to do. My old body (28 years old) can't take much more abuse. I missed my first class of the semester already. It looks like I'm back to normal now. This semester it's the dean's list or bust! Woohoo!!! That's all for now. I'll be bock.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Guess Who's Back? Back Again?
Woo! Thank you! It's good to be back! I've been gone a while due to some battles with laziness, the X-mas season and getting my school schedule straightened out. I start 1-11-05. X-mas was alright, I guess. New Year's was pretty good until about 4Am NYD. But the partying for me went on until Sunday morning (the hangover went on until 1-5-05 without my consent). So now, I'm on the road to an alcohol free lifestyle. (WISH ME LUCK!!!) Yes, I, Jonny R., am announcing my retirement from the game of partying. I figure I've dodged more bullets than necessary while I've been out on the town. People, like myself, don't realize how lucky they are to come home every time after a night out. Maybe I'm just growing up... HAAAA!!! My body can't recover as quickly as it used to from a night of partying. But anyways, I'm looking for a new hobby and I'm thinking of poker. I know how to deal it and I think I'm ready to go match skills with others at an NDN casino. Oh, yeah! Ryne Sandberg is in the baseball Hall of Fame!!! Yeah!!! I'll have more posts more often since I'll be in school all day. Alright man, I'm outta here. Later.