Sunday, January 30, 2005


Just gettin' back from a night on the town. Yes, I have lost my ability to stay sober. But, I have to do something with my time, aye? It was an alright time, me and my ol' college buddy Kev went to the bars to track beaver with no luck of course. It's cool when you see some people you haven't seen in a while and not as cool when drunks act like they're something they're not. I could have acted on my emotions but I didn't want to go back to jail. You know how that is. Whatever. It was cool to get out and mingle again though. No hangover to worry about today, so that's super duper. I'm such a dork. I can't wait for the Super Bowl next week. It's gonna be an awesome game. Plus the Sports Guy is having his running SB Blog which is going to be entertaining. I got 99 problems but a b*%$# ain't one! Yeah, I'm a dope rapper... okay, no I'm not. Just sitting here at work, trying to write my paper for my writing class on Michael Moore movies. I was 9 1/2 hours late today for work. It happens, man! Not much happenin' around these parts of the world. I 'spose I could go write my paper. I'm outta here, man! Later.


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