Thursday, January 27, 2005


Yeah, I just bought the SNL Best of Jimmy Fallon, and I must say that it was even funnier than Will Ferrell's. But, I'm back to normal now. Just needed someone to hear my inner most... HAH! I don't have inner most anythings! Just my cravings for... stuff. I'm finally gettin' my groove back for the whole learning concept. Holy shit! I'm supposed to be in class right now!(Disregard the sentence about my groove and learning until further notice.) Well, now I might as well just finish up here. As of today, I am now an insured motorist. I have to be to get my f'n license back. It was suspended 3 years ago for going 62 in a 55 and not having insurance. Stupid laws! Yep, yep... just sitting here at the library, waiting for something to happen. Any thoughts from my loyal 4 readers? Or is it 3? I lost count, there are so many of you. The weekend is creeping up on me and will test my ablilty to remain alcohol free once again. My alcohol free streak is now at 5 days and counting. The only reason I drank last weekend (besides me being weak) was I got the NY's pictures back and it looked like I was having an awesome time. So I thought I should try and get it out of my system. So I did. I did have fun but still regret it. I'm still a foolish young man so I'm allowed a drink now and then, aye? What? No? Well, f you then! Just kidding! I don't know what I'm gonna do tonight with my newly found freedom. The night is young, I have a full tank of gas, and $8! Look out, world. I got my paycheck today, but I can't cash it until tomorrow. But I can go get some money out of the bank though! Yeah, that sounds like an idea. Alright kids, I'm off to find some trouble. Later.


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