Saturday, February 26, 2005
Alrighty tighties! I'm back once again. I've been gettin' the school thing done a lot lately, so that's why I haven't been able to express my humanitarian concerns. The Rez is a messed up place to grow up, man. Lack of respect and stupidity run wild around these parts. But, what you gonna do? When I graduate college (hopefully) next year, I'm packin' up my game and I'ma head out west. That's part of an old Kid Rock song that I thought would apply to the situation (well, at least I thought it was cool). Maybe I'll move south. Who knows, maybe I'll head to the big city. One thing I do know though; this is a terrible place to live. Nothing but youngsters acting like thugs, dressing like it and everything, having too much to prove. When I was that age, we would be able to pull up to anyone's house, sit around, have a couple of drinks and have fun 'til the sun came up. Man, those days are long gone. We had respect for everybody. Where did it all go so wrong? We are supposed to live together peacefully like the ancestors did for hundreds of years. We can blame the European and other outside influences all we want. But the fact is we are doing it to ourselves. When will the cycle of unnecessary stupidity, disrespect, and violence end? Do enough people care? Either way, it's too late for me. I'm outta here in a couple of years. I thought I would be able to wait for this place to change. But I guess not. Now I'm depressed. I must go feed my depression with an early lunch. I'm outta here for now. Later.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
The Team
This is our intramural softball team from last spring at school. I'm the little big fat guy kneeling. We had a pretty good team but we never got to play. Stupid rules! Maybe this year, man!
Monday, February 21, 2005
Back from an emotional trip from which I will never forget, I have came to realize what my life has been missing; nothing. Yes! Nothing! Throughout my whole life, I have wondered when I am going to get what I deserve for being a respectful young man (when the booze isn't in my system) and polite to all those I encounter. Growing up in the environment like my "Rez", it's a big surpise to me that I haven't become a victim of drugs or violence. Yeah, there have been incidents when I've been in jail for being a stupid drunk or have had to throw down in fisticuffs (thanks for that quote R. Burgundy), but other than those, I've kept myself pretty clean. Those in my life haven't always been the best role models. Most have tried their best, but... you know how it goes, man. Woo! I feel like a hundred bucks! Yup, that's what I've realized the past few months. Waiting for something to happen for me was just a waste of time. But, whatever, man. Baseball is right around the corner and I'm a little worried how I'm gonna deal with it. Steroids are going to kill my last glimmer of hope for sports. NASCAR is what I might have to resort to. Or maybe, just maybe, I could do my studying like a normal college boy is supposed to do. NAH!!! 10 more days until the big bowling tourney in SD and I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Not finishing in last place is my only goal this year. But, overall, I think I'm as mentally strong as I've been in a while. Everything that was built up over the past few years was released. Maybe even from when I was a little sav (careful, only us Natives are allowed to use that term, remember). I think that's all I have for the day. I'm outta here, man. Later. Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESSICA ANN (tomorrow)!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
The Lone Wolf Strut
Woo! I'm back from a small cramming session. My first big test was today, and I feel as confident as the guy who brought a knife to a gun fight. And so my streak of mediocrity as a student continues. But other than that, I'm Kool and the Gang! My last few posts have been influenced by stress, anger, and frustration so, please forgive me. Wouldya? Cool. School is rough I tell ya. But, watching all of the eager female students, who don't even acknowledge my existence, roam these hallowed halls of higher education makes it all worth it. (OOOPS! Did I just type that out loud?) I just recently have been given my last shot at a college education. The past year of school has been pretty hectic, but now I'm ready to give 'er hell. So they gave me my financial aid back and now I'm just waiting for my check for living expenses, which will bankroll my new hobby of hold 'em poker! Yeah, baby! Nah, I think I'm gonna find a new place to live. I'm here and there now like an out of work actor or a bum, which ever is the funniest. OH I... I WILL SURVIVE! I don't know the rest of that song, but if I did, I still probably wouldn't sing it. I've been working out the past few days, running, lifting, walking, just to get some activity in my life that doesn't include alcohol. Plus, I've been going to the movies (alone, anybody wanna come?), staying late at the library, just pretty much hanging out as the lone wolf. What a cool name. THE LONE WOLF. Awesome! 15 days 'til the Aberdeen Bowling Tourney! I haven't been practicing, but I'm slowly improving week to week. I'm not going to win, I'm just going to try not to finish dead last and wait for the dance they throw for us, meet my fellow Native bowlers, AND try and get some "Native Girl Bowlers Gone Wild" on camera. That's all, man. Yes, I will have all of the footage on tape and I'll edit it when I get back. I am an aspiring movie director you know? No training whatsoever! But I do watch a lot of movies though. Well, I'm off to be a loser and go to the movie by myself. I'm outta here, man! Oh yeah. Paris is my favorite actress of ALL TIME. Dug the movie, Ms. Hilton!!! (SHAME ON YOU, JONNY R. !!!)
Sunday, February 13, 2005
What? I Missed It?! Son of a!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE!!! YESTERDAY!!! Yes, it was by birthday yesterday. But it seemed like any other day to me though. Am I losing my need for attention as I get older? After all, I am 29 years and 1 day old now(10,593 days old to be exact, give or take a couple minutes). More things have appeared more clealy to me now. Things I have done over the years are coming back to haunt me. I have always tried to be the strong, silent type in times of loss or panic. And I have always admired those that can be strong for their families during those times. I mean, if there was a time when, God forbid, an emergency came up and everybody was running around like chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what to do, what kind of person would you want around? Someone cool, somone calm, right? Apparently, my steel, cool hearted demeanor has left little affection for those closest to me. And for that reason alone came my first set of words of wisdom (which will run at the end of my blogs whenever I can think of something cool to say that's totally original). Yes, I have been so stressed out with family troubles, deaths in the family, lack of money, school, constant (positive) pressure to finish school, financial aid, and people trying to get in my head to figure me out. Which by the way,is not going to happen. What happens in my head, stays in my head. Like Vegas! I don't feel a need to share my inner most thoughts, frustrations, angers with anyone. The way I think, it only gives ammunition to those that want to break me down(yes, I do have trust issues to work out). It's just the way I grew up. Like when a parent could beat the attitude out of their kid and not have the authorities get involved. That's why these kids are so awful nowadays. If a kid didn't want to listen, or they wanted to act up, they got an ass whuppin. We learned at a young age, if you want to eff around, there's gonna be a price to pay if you got caught. That's "Old School"! But I learned to be a well behaved young gentleman somehow. I digress. But anyways, if there are any stripper-grams that anyone wants to offer me for my birthday, let a brotha know! I'm here all week! That's all I got for now, I'm outta here! Later.
"Gods test the strongest most."-- Someone smart (I stole this one 'cause I'm a little short on the quotes today.)
"Gods test the strongest most."-- Someone smart (I stole this one 'cause I'm a little short on the quotes today.)
Friday, February 11, 2005
What a Day, Man...
This is quite possibly the most beautiful day of the year so far. Plus, there are no classes today! And it's payday! I'm on quite a roll today. But, enough with the good. Wait... that's all there is! Anyway, I have about 5 hours to kill before bowling tonight and I have nothing to do and since I just got done lifting weights at the rec center, my exercise for the month is done. I should do some studying and get caught up, but... that's just not me. Yet, anyways. But I am gonna promise the blog world another 200 game tonight at the lanes. We're in last place and having a hell of a time! Woo! So maybe we can build on our sweep we completed last week. There's about 3 weeks until the big bowling tourney in Aberdeen, SD and I think I'll be ready this year. I have to improve on my 107th place finish last year (my mission last year was to not finish dead last; mission accomplished). Everything has been going all right the past few weeks. Better than can be expected anyway. Damn, what the hell am I doing in doors! I think I'm gonna go for a walk and check out the... uh, nature and stuff. Do be do be dooo! I'm outta here, man! Later! Oh,yeah, watch out for BIGFOOT!!!
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
A Callling??? Hmmm...
YEP! I have found my calling in life. Okay... no I didn't. I'm gonna make up words of wisdom, words to live by. Or something like that. I just made that one up yesterday, the one about stress and eyes and stuff. If it was thought up by someone, I apologize. It was really in my head and I'm positive I didn't read it anywhere because all I read is the Sports Guy Bill Simmons and I'm pretty sure he has nothing to be stressed about with the Pat's win Sunday. Now I'm gonna have to think of another one. I find myself quoting movies everyday of my life. Sometimes they are unbelievably funny (I mean, people laughing so hard, they snort like pigs) and other times they help me with sorting out this circus/soap opera we call life. I'm coming even closer to finishing my movie script for my long awaited notes on life. Who's waiting for it? Um... just me, I guess. Maybe I would be an excellent poet. Nah, it's more like comedy that I'm good at. Well, I'm going to lunch and will have some words of life after that. So, with that said, I'm out to lunch. Later.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
CHOO CHOO, Mother Effers!
How about that SB, huh? It would have been a lot more interesting if D. McNabb wasn't, well, D. McNabb. But anyway, they got further than the Vikings, so job well done. Not much else to talk about. I did go to a small SB gathering, which was pretty cool. It was like the kind you see on t.v.; guys sitting there with a couple of beers, giving each other cheap shots, watching the game. These are the days, man! I must be getting old because that would normally be boring to me. When I go out with the guys, I normally want to get drunk right away and have as much fun as possible on a Sunday night. But, old age is starting to set in. Wisdom must be right around the corner, eh? Yeah, I didn't think so either. From here on out it's nothing but studying, bloggin', working and whatever else life throws on my track. CHOO CHOO!!! Hoh, I'm crazy, eh? All of this blogging has given me a new look on my writing skills (or lack thereof). All of these words I put out there could be made into something. Writing scripts for movies, dialogues for my very own talk show, poetry (do girls just write poetry?) or rapping! Yeah, I could be a rapper! I rhyme all the time. SEE! I JUST DID AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! I could bust out my old DJ name, (yeah, I was a DJ last fall at the school radio station) BIG FRESH! That was my first DJ name. But then I decided to just stick with what everybody knew, Jonny R. Pretty creative, eh? Well, that's all I have for now kids and I have to go to class. I'm outta here. Later.
Through the eyes of a man consumed by stress, one can see where sadness begins.
Through the eyes of a man consumed by stress, one can see where sadness begins.
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Super-Duper-Ooper Bowl Sunday
It's here people; Super Bowl Sunday. What can we expect? Entertaining commercials? Boobies? An evenly matched game at least? I would be a happy lil' injun boy with 2 out of 3. Anyways, this the 7th Day of Sobriety: Episode XII (because I figured I tried to quit drinking at least 11 times before in my life). You know what? I'm not even gonna mention it anymore. If I want to stay sober, I'll just do it and live with it! No need to disappoint the world of bloggers with my inabilities. Yeah! But I haven't had a drink since early last Sunday morning, if anybody cares. Okay, now I'm done mentioning it! On with the bloggin'! I'm going to my buddy Jer's place today and watch the big game. But before the game starts, we're gonna go embarrass ourselves at the rec center with our diminishing b-ball skills and our expanding waistlines. It should be interesting (keep the paddles ready!). I just recently requested a job at my Rez's paper so I could go cover the Super Bowl next year. Not sure how far that's gonna go. But I have a pretty good idea. From here><>
Super-Duper-Ooper Bowl Sunday Vol. II
My first blog got cut off! But anyway, I was saying it would be cool to cover the SB weekend. I would even tough it out in Detroit next year, if anybody's listening. I could hang out with celebrities like Snoop-dizzle...uh okay, maybe not the Snoop-dizzle with his recent legal woes. Or maybe guys like Carrot Top, "The Fridge" Perry, Danny Bonaduce, Webster, NPH (that's Neil Patrick Harris for those of you who didn't see Harold and Kumar... and shame on you for not seeing it!), Long Duk Dong, Clayton, Lonnie and Jugdish. Yeah, that would probably the only crowd they would let me hang out with. Anybody recognize those names? For those of you who don't, maybe we could discuss it over a bottle of covosseir with some Keith Sweat in the background (but only if you're a smoking hot chick of at least 19 years of age). So, here's my prediction (drum roll please... what?! they're in the pawn shop?! Son of a!!!): Patriots 31 Eagles 27. Let them build their dyansty now so the Vikings can burn it down next year! Alright, man. I'm outta here. Later. Don't eff this blog up blogger people!
Saturday, February 05, 2005
And If You Don't Know, Now U Know!!!
Good morning, sexy people! How U doin? What a beautiful Saturday morning, aye? It's good to have a clear head, taste buds, decent breath and an excellent memory of what happened after bowling last night, where as I promised the world of bloggin' that I would get at least a 200 game (202, BABY!) and an alcohol free night. Mission accomplished! Man, it was tough though. I mean super-duper-OOPER tough! The waitresses kept coming back every little while to see if I was ready for a drink. My buds/cousins at the other lanes kept trying to pressure me so much that I started to shake. Luckily, my sister wanted to go to the casino. Kind of a good plan but it woulda been an excellent plan if we could have won something instead of getting smacked. At least I'm not hanging over today. I just went back to the R-E-Z to watch a movie and stay out of trouble(Garden State, which what I saw before falling a sleep was pretty good[ Natalie Portman is my girlfriend now]). Tonight I'm going to a hockey game for the first time in my life and cheer on my fellow BSU Beavers. GO BEAVERS! I'm such a dork. I have to do something sports related since my NBA boycott is going strong. First half of the season down, second half on deck. Man, I don't know how long I can last with my boycott. I saw Lebron James highlights the other morning, and I just couldn't believe he is as far along as he is at only 20 years old. This kid is something special. He has the love of the game in his eyes. The youthful enthusiasm of a JV player is seen in all he does. He's not motivated by greed and attention like all of the other punks in the NBA. He just loves to play the game. There's not enough of that in the league right now. If the NHL was functioning, I would be a fan. I was reading about that Jordin Tootoo last year or a couple years ago, and the Natives are starting to come up in the world. We're not just drunks anymore, man! I think we're gonna take over the world soon because the world might be getting sick of the urban/street lifestyle that pop culture is so in love with. I know I'm sick of it. You see all these kids walking around like they're extras in a rap video, trying to be thugs. Whatever, man. Soon, everybody's gonna want to be a "Sav". But, like the African- Americans have their own derogatory term for their own people that no one else can say, "Sav" will only be allowed to be said by us. So there! And out with the "Redskins" name while we're at it! I don't mind the Braves, Warriors, Chippewas, or other Native names... but Redskins? What kind of-- stuff is that?! But, that's a topic for the smart people. Holay! I have to do some work here before I get outta here. So I think I've bored myself enough. Alright man, I'm outta here. Later. Oh yeah, HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY AARON LYDELL (cool middle name)!!!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Back To Nizzorm! By MC Lame
What a beautiful Friday afternoon in God's country. What is a guy to do? I'll find something to do I guess. Anything that doesn't include alcohol. FOR SURE this time. My weakness for the poison has subsided for the time being and hopefully even longer. You'll have to excuse my lack of attention my blog has been getting (or hasn't been getting... whatever.) I've been dealing with situations that come up every semester of every year I've been in school. You would think I'd be used of them by now, but there is always a new twist to some of them. But now, it looks as if it's all under control. I'm free to focus on what's most important; The Jon. I have to deal with me trying not to become a full blown alcoholic, being broke, a struggling college student and the struggles that come along with being an alcoholic, broke, struggling college student. These are the days, man! I'm pretty sure the alcoholic thing isn't going to be a problem until boredom overcomes me because I'll be pretty busy with trying to work 16 hours a week and keep up with the butt-load of homework and reading that this college business requires. I mean, that's a lot of f'n reading (a note from The Jon, from hereon is to be called "ANFTJ": I try to censor my blog just in case there is a small chance a kid happens to see this. In the immortal words of the Soul Glow Guy, "You know me, anything for the kids"). Reading about how the environment is fallling apart, how to convince your readers to believe in your argument, understanding debits and credits, understanding the insides of a computer is starting to get a little boring. But, I'm almost done so I should shut up and do my easy work. I suppose. Bowling tonight is going to be pretty easy tonight. I can pretty much guarantee a 200 game tonight. It's in the bag. And I will not have a drink no more for--um... let's start out with a while. Let's not get in over our heads. Baby steps,uh... baby. Sad news out of Chicago; Sammy Sosa has been traded to Baltimore. :( [hey, I made a frown face!] That news really hurt. I just couldn't believe it. What am I gonna do with my '98 Sammy watch?! It's the only watch I have so I have to wear it, but what happens after I get a new one? It's the only team I love like a member of the family. But, it's the best for him. He didn't deserve the boos he got last year. I didn't think so anyway. Good luck, buddy! O's vs. Cubs, '05 World Series! Well, that's all I have 2-dizzay. Hey, I sound like Snoop! I should be a rapper. Nah, maybe not. I gotta think of a story for my school movie this year. For sure I'm gonna get one in the competition. It will put me on the road to H-Wood glory. Swimming pools, movie stars. Just let me dream, would ya. Alright, man. I'm outta here! Later.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Man, That's Some Bulls#!*...
What the f@#! was I thinking about! I just blanked out. Was it ill intentions? Maybe it was my next blog. It was going to be the greatest blog ever written if it was. Son of a!!! Well, now that I'm here I might as well share the inner workings of my big head. The freedom, the impending confusion, the seeing of the light (yes, again). What does it all mean for me? What am I going to do by myself? The past year and about... 4 months have been quite the test. I have slowly failed each one but now I think I'm back in the right state of mind. Not that I was losing my mind or anything, it was just mostly stress, family related problems, school, lack of American currency, and the dreaded panic attacks. But, everything is just about under control now. All distractions are now out of the way. Except for the bullshit that happened over the weekend. It could have been worse for me though. The only thing I thought about was going to jail. I think of going to jail along with one of the worst expericences of my life that I never want to go through again. Maybe I will do something, maybe I won't. Who knows? I do. Ooh. I sound scary. I should write that in my movie. What did happen to me this weekend? None of you're got damn business! Ha ha! Man, I'm crazy, eh? Well, that's about all I have for this fine evening. I'm outta here! In the immortal words of the great "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, WOOOOO!