Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Lone Wolf Strut

Woo! I'm back from a small cramming session. My first big test was today, and I feel as confident as the guy who brought a knife to a gun fight. And so my streak of mediocrity as a student continues. But other than that, I'm Kool and the Gang! My last few posts have been influenced by stress, anger, and frustration so, please forgive me. Wouldya? Cool. School is rough I tell ya. But, watching all of the eager female students, who don't even acknowledge my existence, roam these hallowed halls of higher education makes it all worth it. (OOOPS! Did I just type that out loud?) I just recently have been given my last shot at a college education. The past year of school has been pretty hectic, but now I'm ready to give 'er hell. So they gave me my financial aid back and now I'm just waiting for my check for living expenses, which will bankroll my new hobby of hold 'em poker! Yeah, baby! Nah, I think I'm gonna find a new place to live. I'm here and there now like an out of work actor or a bum, which ever is the funniest. OH I... I WILL SURVIVE! I don't know the rest of that song, but if I did, I still probably wouldn't sing it. I've been working out the past few days, running, lifting, walking, just to get some activity in my life that doesn't include alcohol. Plus, I've been going to the movies (alone, anybody wanna come?), staying late at the library, just pretty much hanging out as the lone wolf. What a cool name. THE LONE WOLF. Awesome! 15 days 'til the Aberdeen Bowling Tourney! I haven't been practicing, but I'm slowly improving week to week. I'm not going to win, I'm just going to try not to finish dead last and wait for the dance they throw for us, meet my fellow Native bowlers, AND try and get some "Native Girl Bowlers Gone Wild" on camera. That's all, man. Yes, I will have all of the footage on tape and I'll edit it when I get back. I am an aspiring movie director you know? No training whatsoever! But I do watch a lot of movies though. Well, I'm off to be a loser and go to the movie by myself. I'm outta here, man! Oh yeah. Paris is my favorite actress of ALL TIME. Dug the movie, Ms. Hilton!!! (SHAME ON YOU, JONNY R. !!!)


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