Friday, February 11, 2005

What a Day, Man...

This is quite possibly the most beautiful day of the year so far. Plus, there are no classes today! And it's payday! I'm on quite a roll today. But, enough with the good. Wait... that's all there is! Anyway, I have about 5 hours to kill before bowling tonight and I have nothing to do and since I just got done lifting weights at the rec center, my exercise for the month is done. I should do some studying and get caught up, but... that's just not me. Yet, anyways. But I am gonna promise the blog world another 200 game tonight at the lanes. We're in last place and having a hell of a time! Woo! So maybe we can build on our sweep we completed last week. There's about 3 weeks until the big bowling tourney in Aberdeen, SD and I think I'll be ready this year. I have to improve on my 107th place finish last year (my mission last year was to not finish dead last; mission accomplished). Everything has been going all right the past few weeks. Better than can be expected anyway. Damn, what the hell am I doing in doors! I think I'm gonna go for a walk and check out the... uh, nature and stuff. Do be do be dooo! I'm outta here, man! Later! Oh,yeah, watch out for BIGFOOT!!!


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