Tuesday, February 08, 2005

CHOO CHOO, Mother Effers!

How about that SB, huh? It would have been a lot more interesting if D. McNabb wasn't, well, D. McNabb. But anyway, they got further than the Vikings, so job well done. Not much else to talk about. I did go to a small SB gathering, which was pretty cool. It was like the kind you see on t.v.; guys sitting there with a couple of beers, giving each other cheap shots, watching the game. These are the days, man! I must be getting old because that would normally be boring to me. When I go out with the guys, I normally want to get drunk right away and have as much fun as possible on a Sunday night. But, old age is starting to set in. Wisdom must be right around the corner, eh? Yeah, I didn't think so either. From here on out it's nothing but studying, bloggin', working and whatever else life throws on my track. CHOO CHOO!!! Hoh, I'm crazy, eh? All of this blogging has given me a new look on my writing skills (or lack thereof). All of these words I put out there could be made into something. Writing scripts for movies, dialogues for my very own talk show, poetry (do girls just write poetry?) or rapping! Yeah, I could be a rapper! I rhyme all the time. SEE! I JUST DID AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! I could bust out my old DJ name, (yeah, I was a DJ last fall at the school radio station) BIG FRESH! That was my first DJ name. But then I decided to just stick with what everybody knew, Jonny R. Pretty creative, eh? Well, that's all I have for now kids and I have to go to class. I'm outta here. Later.

Through the eyes of a man consumed by stress, one can see where sadness begins.


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