Friday, February 04, 2005

Back To Nizzorm! By MC Lame

What a beautiful Friday afternoon in God's country. What is a guy to do? I'll find something to do I guess. Anything that doesn't include alcohol. FOR SURE this time. My weakness for the poison has subsided for the time being and hopefully even longer. You'll have to excuse my lack of attention my blog has been getting (or hasn't been getting... whatever.) I've been dealing with situations that come up every semester of every year I've been in school. You would think I'd be used of them by now, but there is always a new twist to some of them. But now, it looks as if it's all under control. I'm free to focus on what's most important; The Jon. I have to deal with me trying not to become a full blown alcoholic, being broke, a struggling college student and the struggles that come along with being an alcoholic, broke, struggling college student. These are the days, man! I'm pretty sure the alcoholic thing isn't going to be a problem until boredom overcomes me because I'll be pretty busy with trying to work 16 hours a week and keep up with the butt-load of homework and reading that this college business requires. I mean, that's a lot of f'n reading (a note from The Jon, from hereon is to be called "ANFTJ": I try to censor my blog just in case there is a small chance a kid happens to see this. In the immortal words of the Soul Glow Guy, "You know me, anything for the kids"). Reading about how the environment is fallling apart, how to convince your readers to believe in your argument, understanding debits and credits, understanding the insides of a computer is starting to get a little boring. But, I'm almost done so I should shut up and do my easy work. I suppose. Bowling tonight is going to be pretty easy tonight. I can pretty much guarantee a 200 game tonight. It's in the bag. And I will not have a drink no more for--um... let's start out with a while. Let's not get in over our heads. Baby steps,uh... baby. Sad news out of Chicago; Sammy Sosa has been traded to Baltimore. :( [hey, I made a frown face!] That news really hurt. I just couldn't believe it. What am I gonna do with my '98 Sammy watch?! It's the only watch I have so I have to wear it, but what happens after I get a new one? It's the only team I love like a member of the family. But, it's the best for him. He didn't deserve the boos he got last year. I didn't think so anyway. Good luck, buddy! O's vs. Cubs, '05 World Series! Well, that's all I have 2-dizzay. Hey, I sound like Snoop! I should be a rapper. Nah, maybe not. I gotta think of a story for my school movie this year. For sure I'm gonna get one in the competition. It will put me on the road to H-Wood glory. Swimming pools, movie stars. Just let me dream, would ya. Alright, man. I'm outta here! Later.


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