Monday, February 21, 2005


Back from an emotional trip from which I will never forget, I have came to realize what my life has been missing; nothing. Yes! Nothing! Throughout my whole life, I have wondered when I am going to get what I deserve for being a respectful young man (when the booze isn't in my system) and polite to all those I encounter. Growing up in the environment like my "Rez", it's a big surpise to me that I haven't become a victim of drugs or violence. Yeah, there have been incidents when I've been in jail for being a stupid drunk or have had to throw down in fisticuffs (thanks for that quote R. Burgundy), but other than those, I've kept myself pretty clean. Those in my life haven't always been the best role models. Most have tried their best, but... you know how it goes, man. Woo! I feel like a hundred bucks! Yup, that's what I've realized the past few months. Waiting for something to happen for me was just a waste of time. But, whatever, man. Baseball is right around the corner and I'm a little worried how I'm gonna deal with it. Steroids are going to kill my last glimmer of hope for sports. NASCAR is what I might have to resort to. Or maybe, just maybe, I could do my studying like a normal college boy is supposed to do. NAH!!! 10 more days until the big bowling tourney in SD and I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Not finishing in last place is my only goal this year. But, overall, I think I'm as mentally strong as I've been in a while. Everything that was built up over the past few years was released. Maybe even from when I was a little sav (careful, only us Natives are allowed to use that term, remember). I think that's all I have for the day. I'm outta here, man. Later. Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESSICA ANN (tomorrow)!!!


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