Friday, August 11, 2006

Don't Call It a Comeback!

2236 Hours

How about my return backed up with some Marilyn Manson?

Yes indeed I am back. I was going to go with LL Cool J’s “Mama Said Knock You Out” just for the “Don’t call it a comeback,” opening line but the video wouldn’t play, so Mr. Manson it is and the title of the post will have to do.

If you must know, I’ve been working and just got back from “roughing it” at KOA and Sandy Beach on a camping trip. The roughest part of the camping trip was on the vehicles when we had to come back to civilization to take a poop. I’ve said too much.

Holy balls I’ve missed a lot of opportunities to “hate.” (I think that’s the new word the kids use nowadays to describe the act of disagreeing with someone.) For instance, the whole election dispute that came to a crashing halt Wednesday during the council meeting. I stayed for all of 30 minutes at that “meeting.” Honestly, I was embarrassed to be a Red Laker. Anyone else? There wasn’t much to be accomplished with all of finger pointing but it went on and on. Shame on us all. After everything was said and done, with the council having ALL of the power over us all, was there any doubt that the final outcome was what it was? They do have all of the power (a little too much I must say), but we are supposed to have a say in all of it and I wasn’t asked for my input. WTF? The allegations should have been put together with some stink on it. Being what they were, like I’ve said earlier, we’re starting to look like Leech Lake. I read that somewhere recently but I can’t remember where.

Did you see that letter that was going around? Good lord! Use spell-check or get a dictionary if you want to attack someone.

As for there “…being no law against vote buying,” how stupid does that make us look? Somebody should’ve had the Brian Fantana to Champ Kind speech to the lawyer. You know, the speech when “The Bry Man” told Champ, “Maybe you should stop talking for a while,” and “Big Poppa” Burgundy chimed in with “maybe sit the next couple of plays out,” after Champ was professing his love for Ron and went a little overboard in doing so. And yes, I’ve seen that movie 86 times too many.

Yeah, I voted for Judy Roy. Now I don’t care who’s running the show. Let’s just get the economy going and get us all working full-time!

But after hearing what little I did at the meeting, I say let’s just start the whole damned thing over and let’s get Jonny R. on the council! Nah, maybe not. Being that it’s impossible to do what’s right because of feelings getting hurt, Billy Greene can have the seat. But if we did get to go through the election process, I could feel like “Nice Guy” Eddie again wishing the guys good luck in their diamond heist like when I said, “Good luck, Mr. (Billy) Greene. Good luck, Mr. (Gerald) Blue. Good luck, Mr. (Jim) White,” after the Little Rock forum in May to the other candidates. And if there were indeed a “Mr. Greene” in Joe’s crew.

As for other crap, my loan application for my small business was turned down because it was mandatory that I be at the meeting of the loan committee. Normally I would agree with that, but when you send out the letter 2 days before the meeting and not give a bro a call before hand to let him know “what up,” it’s kind of hard to be prepared, especially when I was out working on a camping trip, which led to me getting the letter 2 days after the meeting took place. I mean they had about 3 weeks to get this info to me sooner. So I have some rules and regulations to contest next week. I didn’t care that I was denied, I kind of expected it, but to have it turned down because of this, I’m going to fight this like someone stole my purse! You have been warned “Small Business Loan Committee.” I’m coming for you.


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