Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Easy Like Tuesday Morning

0242 Hours

Ah, so we meet again at a late hour. It seems that I can only think at times like this. Well, that’s a lie. It’s the only time when I can get some quiet time with my kids running around the ranch all day. Speaking of kids, I don’t know why kids like coming over here. Every time I see some nieces or nephews, I always get, “Can I come over?” So there’s my reason for being such a late writer.

But I have found out what the plan is for one LJR. I’m going into biz for myself. It’s a creative outlet for me along with getting paid on the side. What is it, you ask? Well, I’m not telling until it’s in the bag. It might, as my nephews say, “Get jacked.” Tomorrow I’m going to take the Treasurer up on his offer on his open door policy and try to get some guidance since the other council members are walking on eggshells right about now. So that will be “… To be continued.”

As for other crap of the day… we practiced for the first time since we were spared the weather of hell. Which reminds me, the youth team has a game in Ponemah today (7/18/06) at 6:30pm. So come on out and cheer the future athletes of the Red Lake Nation! If you dare ta!

As I was re-reading my previous posts, I realized that I was pretty hard on a candidate by questioning his place of residence (has anybody done that yet?) and for that, I don’t apologize. Am I purposely being mean? Of course not. I’m just having a little fun at their expense. When you get put in the public eye, you’re going to get that, right? Actually, I don’t know. I’ve never really been in the public eye before. But anyway, I just thought it was funny that Little Rock finally got some ink in the “OjibNews” for once. Speaking of which, Why do we even need a representative? We don’t have a post office. We don’t get to consider ourselves from “Little Rock, MN.” Our fields, basketball courts and “playground” get the attention of a red-headed stepchild. Maybe that’s just me who thinks that. I know I took my team away from that field because of the graffiti and broken up dugouts so they wouldn’t get hurt. Plus, last year there was a scuffle between a team and someone that lives over there. So until that place gets cleaned up, I’ll keep going to the RL fields… at least they have water over there. I would like to see someone do what Toady Thunder does with the field in Redby. Build a food stand and have a league or something. Maybe that’s what I’ll do if that idea doesn’t “Get “Jacked.”


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