Wednesday, July 12, 2006


2315 Hours

“I’m back.”—Michael Jordan’s letter to David Stern in 1995

Yeah, I retired as a blogger, but now I’m back.

(By the way, that's old school lingo in the title of this post. And yes, I am a nerd.)

With another couple of jobs not being worked by me, it is time to find something that I like to do. What is that? I have no idea. I like to play softball, eat hot wings, watch TV… anybody have anything like that for a bro to do for a living? I didn’t think so.

Well, with only 2 more openings to look at, it seems that the Red Lake Nation doesn’t need educated members to help with anything. It looks like the office stuff isn’t going to work out for me like it did at Gaming. Even though the education says otherwise, RL doesn’t think I’m ready. Fine, I say. Fine. In the words of Journey, I say to you, the blogging public, “So now I coooooooome to you… with ohhhhhhpen arms…” Where else you gonna get a blogger quoting Journey? I have way too much time on my hands.

Though I could go on and on about me not getting hired… I won’t. It’s been done over and over again. I will just move on to something else I would like to do. Again, I have no idea what that is.
My ideal job would be something like Whitney Matheson or Bill Simmons, who write about stuff people are interested in. They are my idols so far. As my 5 loyal readers may attest to, I am the “Alco” to their “Walmart”… or something like that.

So from now on, there will be nothing but writing and writing from me until my hand turns into a claw that I almost got during finals of my “People and the Environment” class this past spring. Speaking of that class, I was able to turn my 62% up to a 71% that last month. It’s not much to be proud of, but it’s a start.

As for the last post, someone had a Coke before bedtime and was on a caffeine/sugar high until 5am.

Now that the election is getting closer and closer, I will officially end my election challenge. Nobody showed up. Hey man, I offered. Speaking of which, on my way to Redby, I noticed a few of Judy Roy’s signs had been spray painted over. It just goes to show the lack of respect that people have for one another around here. Though that had nothing to do with who I’m going to vote for, I have made a decision; my vote is going to Judy Roy. Don’t get me wrong, I think Buck is a good guy. I just think that Mrs. Roy would be a better candidate to lead us to where we need to be. And let it be known, Lydell Jon Roberts has made his vote, uh... known. Some might say, “He has nothing to lose now, he didn’t get the jobs he put in for.” But I still have 2 more jobs I put in for and I’m waiting on the interview date. So suck on that!

Any questions? I’m taking questions all day via e-mail or the comment section (Just remember; keep it clean. This is a site for all ages.) Let me have ‘em! If I get any, I’ll post them. My idols do it, why can’t I?

Oh yeah, I requested a daytime show on Red Lake Radio! Now I just have to wait for a reply from the little fella.

That will be all!

By the way; you diggin' the Audioslave? Are ya? Huh? Are ya?


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