Friday, July 07, 2006

The Jonny R. Guide to Voting

1402 Hours

Another interview is in the books. With every passing interview, the confidence level sinks a little more. If these don’t work out… then what? We’ll cross that bridge when we get there I suppose. But for now, lets just keep rockin’ and rollin’! Woo!!!

With Election Day getting closer and closer and no candidates knocking on my door, I have come to the conclusion that my vote doesn’t matter. They don’t care if I vote for them or not. With that being said, let me introduce “The First Annual Jonny R. Election Thing.” As to what that is… I don’t know. Lets just break down the races; one by one.

Ponemah District: Clifford Hardy (incumbent) vs. Gary Nelson

Like the rest of the candidates, I don’t know either of them, though I used to bowl in the same league as Mr. Hardy back when I was a drunk. But I say, give someone else a chance. Maybe Mr. Nelson will be someone who will stand out among the rest of the council members. We need someone who will get in there and make some noise.

If I were to have a vote in the Ponemah district: Gary Nelson.

Redby District: Julius Thunder (incumbent) vs. Tom Westbrook

This is a close one. I’m glad I don’t live in Redby and have to vote. Too close for me, man. Redby is in a good spot to be able to choose from these two men.

Red Lake District: Donald Desjarlait (incumbent) vs. Lee Lussier, Jr.

I’m glad I don’t live in the Red Lake and have to vote for this one either, but for different reasons. I don’t know either of them personally, but… I don’t know. I guess we all have our pasts. It looks like everybody gets to have theirs forgotten. Good luck with that, Red Lake district voters.

Little Rock District: William Greene (incumbent) vs. Harlan Beaulieu

Well I’ll be… this is where I would’ve been had it not been for the lack of support (23 motherf*****’ votes! 23!) Being that I have slowly come to grasp the concept of my political demise at the hands of these two gentlemen (and 5 other candidates ahead of me), it is my duty as a citizen of the smallest district on the Red Lake Reservation to vote. When one votes, one can only go by the character of a candidate if he does not know the candidate, or if those candidates do not accept a challenge by a voting citizen of the Red Lake Nation. Since one of the candidates went out of his way to humiliate a voter by laughing in her face when she questioned a vacated council seat back in 2001, I must vote for the other, who stood up for a woman who was wronged at her job, the only one to stand up to her. The chairman didn’t, the secretary didn’t, the treasurer didn’t, the only representative that was at that May Tribal Council meeting to stand up for her (who along with myself, helped get back what was taken from her) is the one getting my vote. We need council members that dare to go against the grain if they feel it’s necessary. They are in there to represent us, and that’s what he did.

My vote for Little Rock: William Greene.

Secretary: “Jody” Beaulieu vs. Don Cook, Sr.

I don’t even have a doubt in my mind.

My vote for Secretary: “Jody” Beaulieu

Chairman: Floyd “Buck” Jourdain (incumbent) vs. Judy Roy

Tie. I’m still waiting for some convincing. Who wants my vote? Come get it. Help me out. I don’t know which way to go.

By the way, I don’t know if I said this before; but I would’ve been an awesome council member!


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