Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thinking Out Loud

1324 Hours

Last night’s loss has me feeling violated. It was just a dirty beating. I felt like a hooker who was holding out on her pimp and he knew it… AND he got his money anyway! Stupid softball!

Yeah, but anyway… it’s been a solid 2 months since I’ve been retired and I’m still loving every minute of it. I shouldn’t be, but I am. I think this is the most time I’ve spent at home ever. Before it was school and work every day, from 6AM to bedtime, now that drinking is no longer a problem, I feel more at peace with the world and have learned to appreciate… nothing! You thought I was going to go all soft and sensitive! Ha! Just because I have 3 daughters doesn’t mean I’m that way. But I’m trying. NO I’M NOT! But I do enjoy being at home every day with my family. I can’t say the same for them though. I think they’re all sick of me by now. TOUGH!

“Superman Returns” came out yesterday and it looks quite good. But 2 ½ hours seems a bit long for me. If I remember correctly, the long running-time didn’t help “King Kong” that much. I thought that was a pretty good movie, it was just a bit too long. But what the hell do I know about movies. I only picked 4 out of 5 of the Oscar winners in March. Then again, I thought “Narnia” was going to bomb. So who knows?

As of today, no one has yet accepted my offer to visit the ranch to tell me why I should vote for them. Not one candidate. One thing I did forget was to extend that challenge to the RL District candidates. Why bother? I’m only a single voice. My vote won’t matter. If that’s the case, I’ll just go on more of my rants with no really solid data on what I say. I’m not trying to be Bill Lawrence of the blogworld, I’m just saying what needs to be said… sometimes. Honestly, I’m a little worried about this batch of candidates. This is the future of our nation? Well, it’s only until 2010. 2010?!?!?! That seems so far away!

Staying on the topic of elections, is it me, or doesn’t it seem like all council members would support each other? They have to work with each other quite a bit. So you would think that it would be awkward that some council members have signs that support the challenger in the Treasurer race. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s not just me. Who knows?

What do you think of the new/old song? In my older years, I have come to appreciate the awesomeness of Metallica. Rock and roll!


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