Thursday, March 30, 2006

"And if you need me bay-beh, I'll come runnin'... ohn laaaay to yoooooou..." Ah yea, that's old school! Sorry, that song was just in my head... I'm watching videos. Keith Sweat, Silk, Boyz II Men, Aaron Hall, Jodeci... those were the days, man. Yet another reminder that I'm getting old. Peace out, players! *Jon says in the nerdiest voice ever*

What Up, I say. What. Up.

1739 Hours

Oh, the humanity! The hours I’ve been keeping are starting to wear me down. But I must keep on truckin’. Well, the election deal is on, yet there are many hands to shake and babies to kiss and all that politician stuff. Who woulda thunk I would try to become a politician? Age is a factor. I want to feel like I’m doing something with my life, something positive. Maybe the first 29 years were a warm-up to what I’m about to pursue. Who knows? Who cares? This is going to be quite a journey though, bro! Enjoy the show! Hey that rhymed!

With all of the campaign stuff going on, I haven’t had time to tell (or finish) a story. If I look deep into the inner workings of this man we call Lydell Jon Roberts, I bet there’s a bit of just enough creativity to make a living off of. I love writing, but I must be alone. I can’t stand people sitting/standing behind me when I’m trying to be creative. Ever since I’ve been in college, it seems like someone is behind me judging what I write. I have a sickness, I know. That lead to telling you this; with the annual BSU movie contest once again upon us, I do believe I am going to enter it. I have a few ideas floating around this big head of mine. Movie making has always been a dream of mine; I just can’t afford the equipment for it. Stupid technology! When I was a kid, I saw a movie camera at a garage sale and wanted it. But, being a poor Native boy growing up on the mean streets of “Hooterville,” I had to choose between a baseball glove and the camera. Being that I was assured super-duper stardom as a baseball player, the glove it was (that didn’t pan out like I thought… I retired my baseball dream when the ball turned from a small, white BB looking thing into a invisible sound of “Sssssssssssssssss,” I faced the reality that it was time to find a new dream.) But that is neither here nor there (or is it?) and I did a movie last year and 2 years before that (which was too adult for the audience) so with one more year of wisdom, I am prepared to become the next Coppola/Tarantino/Scorsese. Bring it on, I say. Bring. It. On.

I am now deep into my 9th month of sobriety (pause for thunderous applause and standing ovation). Was this the cause of my sudden change of mind regarding politics? No, but it helped. I decided to run for office for personal family reasons. I want my kids, nieces, and nephews to know that I am trying to change Red Lake for the better for them, a place where they can be proud to be from. I should’ve saved that for my election blog D’OH!

Those that want to help in campaignin' it up, check out the site and leave some info/input!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Election Blog

My travels as a first-time candidate will be documented at Enjoy the show everyone!

I'm In...

As of 11:19 hours, this 18th day of March, I am officially a candidate for the Little Rock District Representative in the upcoming Red Lake election. Although this blog will still be active, a new blog will be created for the election process. Stay tuned and wish me luck... I'm going to need it. Jonny R. in '06! Pass it on!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

1960-2006 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Chapter 1.950

1529 Hours

To continue with my life experiences, previously known as “Growing Up REZ” or “The Book of Jon”… haven’t really decided which way to go yet. But anyway…

Growing up on the “Rez” was probably not any different from any other town back in those days. Sure, there was most likely more than the fair share of alcohol being consumed around here. At a rapid rate I should add. But in the end, later on in life I realized that I was missing something from my childhood. I would always hear “Traditional Ways” in elementary school. I didn’t know what that meant. To this day, I’m still not familiar with all of the native traditions. Was I supposed to ask when I was a kid? Was it supposed to be taught to me by someone? What the f***?! But life did go on for us back in the early 80s. Not the way you see in the movies or TV, but it still did go on for me.

Early memories of getting off the bus (check me out, I sound like an immigrant) or Uncle Joe’s car are spotty at best. Free from the concrete jungle that was “The Proj” on the Southside of Minneapolis, I was ready to take over “The Rez” at the tender age of 4.

While getting used to my new environment, there were these new practices that I would have to get used to; such as waiting. You see, down south, it was just me and my mom. I waited for nothing. But I got accustomed to waiting quite fast thanks to the presence of my grandma. For some reason I always thought she had it in for me. Just a feeling I’ve had back then. It turns out she wasn’t very fond of my father. That explained a lot.

Living with them was a learning experience, much like everything was for a 4-year-old. My grandpa was another story. At the time, I was the second youngest grandson, old enough to interact with, so he took a liking to me right away. One thing he didn’t like though was my name. Rumor has it my dad named me after a football player, Lydell Mitchell of the Baltimore Colts by way of Penn State. When my grandpa heard what my name was, he did what he did when another cousin of mine had a “girl’s name,” he called me Jon, my middle name. So from then on, everybody has called me Jon. It wasn’t very creative like some of the nicknames in Red Lake (Hunk, Dude, Shitty, Otis, Ducker, Gawboney, Geeb etc.), but effective nonetheless. God bless grandparents.

With all the getting accustomed to the lifestyle that had been in place for generations, it was time to make my mark on the place. My first step towards taking control of Red Lake was Head Start. You couldn’t get anywhere without education, I thought. Well, maybe I didn’t think that, my mom did.

While getting my vitamins and breakfast before the red van that would take me to Head Start pulled up, my mom and grandpa had a discussion about my impending dive into education. He asked what I would lean at school. She told him I would interact with small human beings like myself, paint objects and probably take a nap. Well, Grandpa Shorty was having none of that. He told my mom that I could sleep at home. Guess who wasn’t going to Head Start? So in between eating breakfast and watching “The Jeffersons,” he taught me how to tell time and would later teach me a valuable lesson… appreciate the sanctity of baseball by way of the Cubs.

Get Well, Kirby!

Kirby Puckett, one of my favorite players of all-time suffered a stroke this morning. well soon, big guy.

Accidently Trying to Sound Smart

1415 Hours

Election time for Red Lake is approaching fast. I must admit it’s going to be quite a battle for everybody. Drugs and tragedy are going to be the focal point for all candidates involved. Let the mud slinging begin! Good times.

I was once involved (kinda) in the whole election process. One thing I learned is that you have to be strong-willed if you want to get into that kind of business. It wasn’t me that was in the election, but my step-dad and you wouldn’t believe the things that get thrown at candidates. Everything you’ve ever done will be on display for the “Rez” to see. Yeah, I would like to be a part of the process that involves changing Red Lake for the good, but, that it’s just too much work; physically and mentally. I’m content on just sitting back judging and criticizing the administration. Well, maybe I won’t be so critical, but the media is hard to ignore, especially if the only publication out there for us is the Native American Press/Ojibwe News. Oh, and just recently, the New York Times and Minneapolis Star Tribune. To be honest, I haven’t really read the MST for over a year. I used to read it everyday starting in high school. Maybe I was in denial about how Red Lake really is and I didn’t want an outsider to see us that way or maybe they were right. Either way, I don’t read it as much.

Is Red Lake a haven for drug dealers? To be quite honest, I live in the woods, don’t party anymore and keep to myself so, I’m not the one to ask. I’m not making excuses; it’s just that I don’t go anywhere to notice. BUT… back when I was a raging alcoholic, there were times when I would notice certain things years back. So I guess we could be, but I don’t want to speculate.

I better quit now. I’m no politician and I don’t plan on being one. I didn’t have one funny thing to say on this post! WTF?! I must be getting old. I need to recharge and finish a story once in a while. It’s something I’m good at because I’m such a bullsh*****. What a waste of 383 words.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Chapter 1.750

1611 Hours

Like I said, I was just a little fellow and don’t remember much about times like those. Just like everybody else, the more time I spent on Earth, the more I learned. After my years in the “Cities” were up, it was time to move to the “R-E-Z.” I swear there’s a rap song in there somewhere. I’ll find it eventually if I decide to become a “Dope” rapper. But I digress.

My family was, like Peaches and Herb sang, “Reunited and it feels (felt) so good.” That’s old school late 70s/early 80s pop music! They were no Alicia Keys and Usher, but good nonetheless. Now that I got that song stuck in your head, let’s move on, shall we?

Back in those days, I rode back to Red Lake with my uncle, or I sometimes rode the bus all by myself. I was a big boy back then. Besides, society was a lot more trustworthy back then. There were times that the RLPD picked me up at the “Rez Line” for some reason. I never understood that and have never bothered to ask.

Anyway, it was my Grandpa Shorty, Grandma Maggie, my mom, 2 sisters, me, Uncle Joe, his wife and their baby. Did I forget to mention it was a two-bedroom house? Well now I did. Now that I think about it, how the hell did we survive? But, we were family and it was all okay. But since the beginning of time, brothers and sisters don’t always get along. My mom and Uncle Joe disagreed a lot and it got kind of crowded after a while so it was time for someone to go.

Uncle Joe and his little family moved a few miles down the highway, which would later be called “Hooterville.” But we were still living with Grandma and Grandpa. Just like any kid at that age, some things were forgotten or the memories faded slowly with my old age. (Yeah, I think 30 is old.)

*Now that I think about growing up, I think some names, dates and time should be changed. It wasn’t all frybread and pow-wows growing up in Red Lake, you know. A lot of awful things happened that people would like to keep covered up. Maybe I could write under a different name… D’OH! Too late! Somebody has to tell a tale of growing up REZ. Hey, I think I just though of a title for my book! “Growing Up REZ.” That’s gold, kids… gold! Maybe since I have such little traffic on my blog, maybe it would be cool to post on here without anyone noticing. Holy shnikeys I need a break!

Choke On That!

1413 Hours

All that reminiscing has me wondering if the presence of Uncle Joe would’ve restored the balance in the galaxy that is my life. Would things have gotten this out of hand had he been around? For those of you that don’t know, Uncle Joe ditched us all on August 7, 2002. To be honest, I still haven’t fully grasped that fact. I’ve never really been one who accepts death. I mean biologically speaking, there’s no other option. If someone dies, they die… they’re gone forever. But for me, I really don’t feel loss. It’s not that I don’t miss them, it’s just I don’t know how to grieve. I keep putting it off. Like when my Grandpa Shorty died July 3, 1987, I’m still putting it off. How do I do it? I have no idea. Why do I do it? I’m even more clueless. Now I’m no cyborg/cold-blooded individual by any means. I get pissed, upset, and sad and all of that other good emotional stuff human beings go through. I’m just able to keep it inside for the most part. Like I’ve said before, it concerns my family a lot. They say I shouldn’t keep it all inside. But where is a brotha supposed to vent?! My trust issues cripple me and keep me from confiding in anyone. I will occasionally share some stuff, but it ends up in conversations among others. It’s probably just the place that I grew up that has me so internally wrecked. But, what am I going to do about it? I keep my mouth shut, that’s what! Who needs a drink?!

Speaking of drinking, it’s been well over 8 months since my last. If I think real hard I can probably figure out the exact number of days… let’s see… there are 31 days in July, 31 days in August, 30 days in September, 31 in October, 30 in November, 31 December, 31 January, 28 in February, the 6 days I was sober in June, and the 4 in March, so that’s 253 days without one single drip of alcohol. Even when I went to Las Vegas I didn’t have one sip even though a beer was purchased for me. NOT A SINGLE DROP I TELL YA! As Scottie Pippen would say, “I take my hands off to him (him being me.)
Good lord! What is there to do? Is anybody else listening to Silk’s “Girl U for Me” right now? Awww yea! That’s old school! It reminds me of being a junior in high school. Those were the days, bro.

I have to recharge so I can write more uninteresting details about my life. Rock and roll!

This was going to be my cartoon strip/graphic novel thing... just never panned out though. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 03, 2006

Drum Roll Please...


Best Picture: Crash
Best Actor: Joaquin Phoenix
Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon
Supporting Actor: George Clooney (Mickey Rourke was robbed I tell ya! Robbed!)
Supporting Actress: Rachel Wiesz

NCAA National Champion: Duke (I'm going 3 for my last 3; UCONN and UNC last 2 predictions... I have proof!!!)

WBC Champion: U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A!

Peace, Brothers...

1425 Hours

Lunch breaks are the best, aren’t they?! Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve been unable to put in time to the people’s blog. With school, work, kids, marriage, stress, TV and not much room to breathe, the blog has suffered the most. I need more minutes in the day. So I return to the blog world because I’ve been wounded by the forum that they have for my “Rez.” Go there if you want to know what I’m taking about. Horrible things are being said. I know most of the people on there. I grew up and went to school with most of them. One was the best man at my wedding so I’m cringing for all that’s being said on there. Shame has consumed me once again. But I’m no angel myself, so who am I to judge others and their right to free speech? Maybe I should recommend a blog for everybody if they would let me get a word in. I think I will. Wish me luck!
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