Friday, March 03, 2006

Peace, Brothers...

1425 Hours

Lunch breaks are the best, aren’t they?! Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve been unable to put in time to the people’s blog. With school, work, kids, marriage, stress, TV and not much room to breathe, the blog has suffered the most. I need more minutes in the day. So I return to the blog world because I’ve been wounded by the forum that they have for my “Rez.” Go there if you want to know what I’m taking about. Horrible things are being said. I know most of the people on there. I grew up and went to school with most of them. One was the best man at my wedding so I’m cringing for all that’s being said on there. Shame has consumed me once again. But I’m no angel myself, so who am I to judge others and their right to free speech? Maybe I should recommend a blog for everybody if they would let me get a word in. I think I will. Wish me luck!


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