Friday, February 03, 2006

How Do You Do?

1412 Hours

Fiiiiiiiinally! The Jon HAS come back… to Blogger (minutes of thunderous applause).

Who else misses late ‘90s wrestling?

Woo! I finally have a few hours to spare for some useless words to further dumbify the blogworld and bore the masses. It’s good to be back, thank you. (This feels like an opening monologue of a late night talk show, but without humor.) Over the past few weeks I’ve been working, actually. Going to and from up north regularly. Over 200 miles round trip so I’ve had a lot of time to think about how I’m going to take over the world. Just me and my old friend Johnny Cash since my computer at home is down and my station at work has to be limited to business items, I had to break down and buy some compact discs (that’s what we listened to before downloading music on the internet, kids… ask your parents) I’ve been unable to keep the ipod in the shape it’s supposed to be in. So I’ve leaned about 3 full J. Cash songs in my latest journeys.


With my abandoning of my blog lately, I seriously considered retiring as a blogger. I haven’t really had much time for it, nothing but work and school… and TV of course. But now I’m back, entertaining only myself it looks like. Gawdam the counter was a bad idea! Only over 200 visits. Not good for my self esteem at all. We’ll see if we can get that to improve… well, I will anyway. Come to think of it, I don’t want anybody to read what I say. I don’t know why, I just don’t. Being from where I am, there are a lot of people that like to bring others down, crushing the spirits of many Red Lakers. That’s just the way it is around here, but we live with it. But no longer! As God as my witness (or is it “With God…), we will no longer stay silent to steer clear of ridicule brought on by our own people! We will say whatever the f*** we want and people respect our opinions from now on! Or something like that.

Right now with Mary J. Blige in my ear, one of my favorite singers of all-time by the way, which I forgot to put on my profile (sorry MJB), I realize how much of a dreamer/weirdo/stalker I must’ve seemed like with my Globes story. I was bored. What’s a bro supposed to do with free time? Nah mean?!

I thought I should just get a few words in because the RLNN Forum made me want to get out my red pen and correct almost every post on there and I didn’t want to criticize everybody’s writing skills, therefore contradicting my previous rambling about bringing others down, thus sounding like a politician. Maybe there’s a little political savvy inside this big head of mine! Jonny R. in ’06! Chairman? Secretary? Treasurer? Representative? Nah, that sounds like a lot of work. Maybe I’ll just stick to blogging. Time for a smoke! Wait, I don’t smoke. Time to surf for boobies… uh, I mean research… uh, ‘cause I’m a business type of guy. I’m outta here for now. Rock and roll!


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