Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Giggitty, Giggitty, Giggitty!

1553 Hours

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, motherf******!!!

After a few weeks without venting, I’m about to explode!

While I’ve only been back in the workforce for a mere 17 months, I wonder why we can’t have the school vacations! Man, this is some bullsh**! A few weeks off isn’t going to hurt anybody! I can’t wait until I rule this world.

I nailed that “Narnia” prediction didn’t I? Once again, what the hell do I know?

I am now officially retiring from the prediction game. At least I won’t share them. I’ll just take credit when they do happen like everybody else.

Little girls smell nothing like sugar and spice and everything nice. Mine don’t anyway.

Even though my NBA boycott has been lifted, I don’t think I’ve sat through one quarter of one game yet. You’re going down, attention hungry, spoiled, punk, wannabe rappers!!! Don’t laugh, hip-hop, you’re next! I took down boybands, I can do the same to you. Well, maybe not just me… but that’s not the point! You’re going down suckers!

Speaking of influential lifestyles, would there be a less sensitive term for being a Native? For some reason I’m thinking of calling the way I live, “Straight Sav.” Hmm… interesting topic. Actually, I don’t live like that anymore. All I do is stay home, play games, watch TV, and catch hell. So the term no longer applies to me.

Since I’m on the subject of lifestyles, it has been over 6 months since my last taste of alcohol, 17 days since my last sip of pop, and 8 days since my last sample of candy. You would think the weight would be melting off. But with me being a little light on the height side (hey that rhymed!), it’s going to be a while until a significant loss is noticed. Another thing, back when I was eating like it was going out of style for fun (a sober man needs many hobbies), I expected the weight to jump on right then and there, but apparently, it takes time to take the full effect. So I just recently have been feeling the hurt of my binge. FOR CHRIST’S SAKES, IT WON’T STOP!!!

But now everything is under control and I think I am officially maxed out.

And with those words, I am officially on a diet. What a depressing thought. Well, it’s not really a diet, more of an awakening. I’ve seen the error of my old ways. From this day forth, no more beer (and anything that falls under that category), pop, or sweets (and everything that falls under that category… with one exception; ice cream.)

May God give me the strength to overcome these vices of a once sin-filled (and sometimes fun) lifestyle. Rock and roll!


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