Thursday, November 10, 2005

Doom on You!

1620 Hours

With impending doom (war, natural disasters, terrorism and all that good stuff) just around the corner for us all, I’ve pondered many thoughts on life recently:

Ten years from now, how will I be remembered? Have I done anything worth a pat on the back? Honestly, I haven’t. My only claim to fame so far is having a comment posted on the Sports Guy’s website. What have I done with first 29 years of my life?! What can I do to establish dominance over this world? I mean there must be more to life than just entertaining myself with my blogging, right? With parenthood I’ve struggled. But then again, who hasn’t? I’m absolutely positive I’ve kicked the alcohol habit (COLD TURKEY, BABY!!!). The life I’ve been working on is not even close to the one I imagined growing up. If it were, I would be waiting to collect my 3rd NL MVP trophy as a member of the World Champion Chicago Cubs. Sadly, that dreamed vanished during my freshman year of high school when I realized that the baseball could not be seen and only heard while trying to make contact during batting practice. So now I look for other ways to be successful in life. The only thing that I know for sure is that I must get off this “Rez” to be successful. It hurts to say that, but it’s true.

But anyway, enough with the Red Lake bashing; let’s talk about important things in life… like me! The new diet is off to a slow start. Although I haven’t totally kicked my soda habit, I’ve slowly been taking it out of my everyday routine. Baby steps, baby.

Is anybody else excited for the Johnny Cash movie?! I guess not.

I think I want to get into the movie bizz! I’ve made two so far and enjoyed every minute of the process. Can one just jump right into the movie business I wonder? I guess not everyone can be like Quentin Tarantino. But why the hell not?!

As of right now, I’m considering all celebrities to be car wrecks. It looks miserable to be famous with all of the paparazzi surrounding them. Sucks being them!

I have a prediction to make; I see the Chronicles of the Lion, Narnia or whatever the hell that movie is called, being a big flop. I don’t know why, I just think it’s all been done in LOTR. But, that’s just me. What the hell do I know?

And with that, I’m out! Have an awesome Veteran’s Day weekend!!! Peace! Is that ironic?


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