Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Second Calling?

1501 Hours

On such a beautiful Thursday afternoon, the architect of the world famous National Jonny R. Hug Day ponders many more ideas that might someday bring him riches beyond his wildest dreams: Ideas such as getting into the graphic novel business. My words, Mrs. The Jon’s art? That’s gold I tell ya! Gold!

Ever since Sin City, I’ve always been fond of the idea. Actually, it even goes further back than that. Nobody knows the “Rez” life like me I suppose. Over a quarter of a century worth of stories have been stored in my big head. I would love to do something like that. As of right now, the real world isn’t really doing it for me. I need an outlet for my frustrations. The life I’ve led, if I told each and every story I’ve encountered over the years would be shocking. But first, I would have to actually read a graphic novel to grasp the concept and that sounds like a lot of work. That’s going to suck. So I guess my first weekend off in 2 months has a purpose. I’ll check it out.

Now that I know what I want to do with my life, I was also pondering a change in jobs. Why would I want to change what I’m doing? Well, the sense of accomplishment is not there for me. I don’t feel like I’m doing anything meaningful. Like over the summer, I coached youth softball and I felt like I was doing something that I could be proud of. This job doesn’t have it. But, of course, I hinted at the idea of changing careers to some of my family and they didn’t think it was wise. I got an awkward smile from my mom and a disapproving look from Mrs. The Jon. But who knows me like me? Me!


Batman Begins is out on DVD! It’s a must have for the fall’s viewing season. I’m almost tempted to pass on the kids’ costumes to fulfill my obligation as a Batman fan. Hey, that’s what cheap make-up is for, right?! Speaking of Halloween, I’m thinking of shaving my head and going as Charlie Brown or Pinky on “Next Friday.” Maybe even just wear a red t-shirt (and only a red t-shirt) and going as Winnie the (mother fu****’) Poo. Decisions, decisions. Maybe we’ll all go as KISS.

I forgot to post my Vegas trip pictures! Honestly, there wasn’t really much to show besides the usual New York, New York thing, a couple pics from the Strip and … not much else. Again, I was very disappointed in Vegas. The wagon was traveling too fast for me to fall off. 4 months and I feel like a saint. I think I should be inducted into some kind of drunken hall of fame.

But right now I’m going to get some stories going in my head and see if Mrs. The Jon wants to do some artwork for me. They will be posted. Rock and roll!


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