Saturday, October 15, 2005

A Declaration

1001 Hours

We are now approximately 12 hours from me becoming a multi-millionaire. $300 million will be all mine. Well, split up 13 ways with my fellow co-workers, will leave me with about $22 million-ish. Minus taxes, cut that in half for the option… dang! That will only leave me with a few million left! Forget it! I don’t want to win the stupid Power Ball then!

Well, now that that’s over…

I finished my book I was reading, “Now I Can Die in Peace” by “The Sports Guy” Bill Simmons. My total books read in my life are now up to 3! Yay! It took me a week but it was alright I guess. As an avid reader of his columns on, Page 2, it was just like rereading those columns. It was entertaining though. Now if I could just get him to sign it. So much for my reading material for Vegas.

Gaw damn! Some of these bloggers need a hug. Others need to put a shirt on.

As of 10:39 am, due to boredom, October 15, 2005, the 3rd Saturday in October will be known as Jonny R. National Hug Day. Tell your friends.


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3:36 AM  

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