Friday, September 30, 2005

The Post From Wednesday

1503 Hours

My quest to stay soda free has come to a screeching halt after a long, tough battle of approximately 3 days. I am so weak! “Mercy is for the weak!” That’s old school. “Karate Kid,” baby! At least my alcohol free ways are still going strong (as of today, it’s been exactly 96 days since my last drink). Though the money, school and stress problems still persist, I’ve been enjoying life as much as a broke man can with softball all of the last 6 days. I must add that I’m becoming a pretty decent shortstop, except for the arm strength. That will follow later I’m sure.

I had a quite a few low points yesterday. Of course, I was turned down for another loan (stupid bankers!), which led me to drown in self pity about my perpetual money problems… again. And that led to me looking at everything and trying to pick a fight about the smallest little things. Also, in a moment of sheer boredom, I tested the limits of my intestinal fortitude and decided to eat an M&M off the floor to see if someone would catch me. Nobody did. I felt the ice water in my veins at that point and time. Ah, the things a bored broke man will do to amuse himself at work. “How U Like Me Now?!” What would we do without Kool Moe Dee?

I didn’t play softball last night because I let all of my players that showed up get in some practice. I was the umpire for our game, which by the way was very exciting even though my team lost 30-25. The games last night showed me again how arrogant the youth of the nation can be. It’s always about showboating and humiliating your opponent. Kids these days. I blame the media! But I won’t go into that subject again.

But my Tuesday ended on the highest of high notes. I listened to my 4 year-old daughter Bubba sing herself to sleep with her newly learned song from headstart, “ABC’s (her real name is Jaiden Joleigh, her nickname used to be “Bubble Girl” because she was in one of those bubble box things when she was born, and that was shortened to “Bubbles” which was turned into “Bubba” because her cousin couldn’t say “Bubbles”).

All is well with me if I can end every day like that.
Forgive my moments of weakness.


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