Saturday, September 17, 2005

I Think I'm Normal Again

As of right now I can’t think of anything funny/witty/clever to say. I don’t think I really ever have before, but still. So many things in the world to dwell on makes me think about how fortunate I am in life… and that takes away my ability to complain. Over the past few days I’ve actually had some pretty deep thoughts about my life, which is pretty scary to me for some reason. I think I might be getting a grip on reality. It’s not that I was going crazy or anything like that, it’s just I can see why my life is the way it is. I'm lazy, allergic to hard work and I’ve lived my life to please or impress others, which hasn’t really gone as planned. That could be the root of my life’s frustrations. I’ve tried to live so people would be proud of me by me doing what everybody else expects of me. (I don’t think that made sense, but I will go on anyway… I’m on a roll!) I’ve slowly stopped living that way recently. It just occurred to me that this wasn’t the way I want to live. The fairytale is over. Real life is setting in and it’s hard to deal with. Bring it on, I say! Or whatever. I’m almost coming to the realization that I might be stuck on this “Rez” for the rest of my life. I’m even considering quitting blogging because I don’t think my writing skills are up to par with other blogs I’ve read. Must… fight… hard! I mean I don’t want to live the rest of my life around here. It’s a very frustrating and depressing place to be. So I have to develop hard working skills to escape. But can I really escape a place like this? God, help me. I really don’t know what I just said, but I think it sounded better in my head. Anyway…

It’s time to get to the important things in life, like sports, TV, pop culture… actually, I think I’m getting sick of the whole concept of pop culture. I mean, some things are all right and others are just ridiculous. For instance; what’s the big fascination with Britney Spears and her crusty/greasy husband?! At the beginning of the millennium she was new, hot, innocent and all that other stuff. Now, the tabloids and gossip have me feeling sick of her. It’s not just her, I’m pretty sure that I’m sick of all celebrities. They wear something stupid and next thing you know, “it’s the must have for this season’s fashion.” (I heard that saying on Napoleon Dynamite.) Stupid celebrities! The only famous people I’ve met in my life have been Road Warrior Hawk, Floyd Red Crow Westerman and of course, the lovely Vanessa Carlton (she looked at me 5 times while she was singing! 5 times!) I was impressed by them all. The reason for my “Alternate Millionaire Universe” story was to show how I would react, socialize, party, harrass, stalk and pretty much mingle with the Hollywood crowd. A “Rez Boy” rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Who woulda thunk it? I would! I mean, I did! No Hollywood name is safe! So for now, I have some serious writing/bs-ing to do. The story continues soon. All right, man. I'm outta here!


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