Saturday, September 10, 2005

I've Drawn a Blank

Just today I realized that I’m a recovered alcoholic! It’s been 78 days since my last drink. See, those sentences right there prove it. I’ve been mentioning it every chance I get. Wow! I never thought that I would get this far, man. Time to party!!! Oops. Maybe not party. What other forms of celebration don’t involve alcohol? I’ll figure something out.

Now that that’s out of the way, I think it’s time to make up a story. After watching the “Urban Ninja,” I’ve been inspired to be creative. Where was I on my Alternate Millionaire Universe story? Ah, that’s right. I was trying to convince the wife to get ready for Cali…

AltMilUni continued

After making some arrangements to make sure my 3 daughters would be taken care of while I was gone (with school just a couple of days from beginning, I couldn’t let them fall behind… because I’m the awesome-ist father since Ward Cleaver and Chaz Ingalls) and after a short argument between the wife and myself regarding The Jon roaming the streets of L.A. unsupervised, which she easily won because of the whole Brad/Angelina thing, I was ready to leave behind my humble beginnings and perhaps overindulge in the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

Being that I’m from Red Lake, Minnesota, I had to first find somebody who could sponsor my trip to drive 30 miles south to the nearest airport by way of gas money. Times are tough for The Jon, you know. And from there I had to fly to Minneapolis, which is another 200 miles. With those trips being unusually uneventful, I was starting to wonder when the bottom would fall out from under my feet, which in recent years have begun to disappear under my ever expanding midsection.

Along for the trip were Mrs. The Jon and my father, Burton, who has been retired for about the past year and is convinced he had seen every show on the TV and every website known to man since his retirement, thus freeing him up for the trip of my lifetime. Everybody else in my family elected to stay home.

While changing flights in Minneapolis, I received a call from one of the representatives of the production company that arranged for my trip and was informed that someone would be at the airport to escort me around Hollywood until our meeting the next day.

Is it possible to get writers block after a few paragraphs? Well, I can’t think anymore because I'm watching too many videos. But that’s all I have for now. I must go meditate in my "other" office. I’m out!


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