Sunday, September 04, 2005

E-Z Like Sunday Morning

As I sit here admiring the outer beauty of one Jessica Simpson via videos on the web, it made me realize that I really don’t have much time for the things that I would normally do… like blog it up and make up weird stories. DON’T CHA WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS HOT LIKE ME… oops, sorry. That just slipped out. That song has been in my head now for about 4 days and I don’t know why. Hmm, I wonder… not much to say on this fine Sunday morning, but I do have some thoughts and questions that need to be heard (or seen)…

Is it too late to jump on the Eva Longoria bandwagon? She just passed Vida Guerra on my list of…um, never mind.

When did women’s pants get so low? I’m not complaining, just wondering. My pants have been like that for years (unintentionally of course) and it just doesn’t seem as sexy on me.

Well, maybe not that many thougths and questions. I saw yesterday that the Red Lake Band of Ojibwe (of which I am a very proud member of right now) recently gave $10,000 to the Red Cross for Katrina Relief Efforts. But I’m still going to send some when I get my little check on Thursday. It must be done.

This is my 72nd day of sobriety and not a hint of regret. I must be getting wiser!
Hmmm... I think I should finish my AMU story… but there is another story I started to write yesterday. It’s a contest I noticed on the SGW’s links of the day and it involves anything with Patrick Swayze. It's not that I'm a huge Swayze fan ( a non-fan, really), it would be interesting to make fun of him in a story. So, right now I’m going to work on both stories at the same time and hopefully have something posted today. Maybe they'll intertwine



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