Monday, August 15, 2005

Forgive the Unfullfilledness

By the way, I've noticed I've left myself hanging by promising to finish stories that I've started. I don't know how explain that. I get so easily distracted and the only way I remember that I've been doing that is by reading my own blog, which I enjoy, 'cause I am the greatest writer to ever come out of Little Rock! Yes, I am shameless. So, I will think of the All-Star Experience, MDJ Chronicles and The Book of Jon more often and try not to promise things and not deliver on those promises ( hey, I used a double negative!). But, hey man! That's who I am and that's what I do! Deal with it! Wait, I think I'm the only one who reads me. In that case, nevermind!


Blogger Arianne said...

Just wanted to say I read you.. Perhaps because you read mine, I will continue to check up on you. I hope you made up your anniversary to your wife, I just had my 5th as well and know it wasn't nearly what it should have been. Stay strong, stay clean and no robbing any banks...

1:16 PM  

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