Friday, August 12, 2005

Can I?

While I sit here admiring the beauty of ligers on some website, I am considering turning to a life of crime to help me out of my recent financial troubles. I mean, it’s the only thing left for me to do. Banks don’t trust me anymore (JESUS FORGAVE!!!) and I need more money than I have right now. Are there any crime places hiring? What’s a guy to do? Boohoo!

But anyway… it seems like my circle of family/friends is shrinking. I have no real solid data on this, it’s pretty limp really. It just seems that way lately. I’m finding myself and my little family graced with company less and less. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s nobody will ever understand where I am at this point in my life. Is it the lack of alcohol in my life that has given everyone the impression that being drunk was the only way that they were able to be around me? WTF?! Yeah, I’ve been sober for 49 days, which is a career high for me since I started drinking many years ago, and I feel really good. The hangovers were unbearable. My actions were getting more and more ridiculous. Lately, I’ve been thinking about doing really stupid things; all for the sake of my ego. But I am one of the few that can put my ego in check and my pride aside, but for how long? For too long I’ve accepted what others and myself did because of drunken stupidity. So much has happened around me lately and I feel like I’ve been deserted. I’ve been told to accept things that I could never imagine by people who are supposed to understand my situation. I shouldn’t have to accept this thing. No one in their right mind would. Can I?

Wow! That was deep. That’s been building up for a while now. But that is a very intriguing question; Can I?


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