Monday, July 11, 2005

All Aboard, Mother Effers!

What's next for the world? Terrorists are trying to take over the world yet again. Dennis has wreaked havoc down south. So many horrible things to mention, but, that's not what I do, bro! I'm hear to spread cheer... like mother f*****n' Santa Claus! Well, maybe Mr. Kringle wouldn't use those exact words, but, whatever. Not much to report, just trying to stay out of this heat, which has been crippling my plans lately. Come to think of it, I did the same thing I would normally do like lay around, gain as much weight as possible in my quest to become the fattest man alive and blame society for my lack of American currency. Which, by the way, will not become a factor in my life anymore. Apparently, world domination comes with its perks like a buttload of scratch(STILL my lame term for money that STILL hasn't caught on with the Native American public). The train headed for world domination is about to leave, folks! I just haven't figured which world I want to dominate yet. Any thoughts? If you'll excuse me now, I'm off to do some research on dominating. And by the way, yes, I am very bored at work. I'm out!


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