Tuesday, July 12, 2005

An All-Star Experience

Okay, quick! I only have a few minutes! As I sat at my desk swamped with many, many important tasks this morning (okay, none), fatigue began to set in and I quickly found myself in the deepest nap known to man... you, know, due to the enormous amount of work I have been doing lately.

Anyway, I ended up at the Major League Baseball All-Star Celebration of all places! I must've been a very good boy this year for such a reward. It turns out my REZ's paper wanted to send me to Detroit to see if I was capable of handling such an assignment. Apparently, they read my request a few months back when I offered my services to cover the Super Bowl next year in the "City of...", wait... what the hell is Detroit called? Hmm... let me thin-- MOTOWN!!! How could I forget that?! (IDIOT!) Yeah, I found myself in Motown scopin' out the sights, mostly the cheapest bar I could find... for the company of course, not the alcohol. With this being my first trip to Detroit, I needed a guide. And who do think that guide was??? Emilio Estevez! The Mighty Duck Man himself! I swear to god, I was shouting out the "Breakfast Clubbers" name. I was like, "EMILIOOOOOO!!!" (Quick, what movie was that on? Anyone?) Yup, me and "The E-Z-E" cruisin' the streets of Motown like it was 1985 all over again, owning the city. Then after my mom sent some bail money to get us out (Emilio actually thought it was 1985 and began gettin' too touchy-feely with the ladies, thus the need for bail money), we headed to Comerica Park for the Celebrity Softball Game, which didn't include The Jon or my new best pal Emilio Ziegfried Estvez (The E-Z-E... get it?). But we did manage to get into the festivities because of my slight resemblence to Cedric the Entertainer. I didn't get that one either because 1.) I'm a Native American Boy, and B.) Why would Ced be hanging out with Emilio Estevez after having the lovely Gabrielle Union play Alice to his Ralph Cramden in "The Honeymooners"?! But I didn't argue with the guy at the gate, so off we went. Apparently, Emilio had a lot more to drink at the bar than I thought. He folded up against a corner, which led to this exchange:

Emilio: Hold up, man. I gotta shoe my ties! They keep falling off...

Me: Uh... you're wearing cowboy boots!

Emilio(slowly fading into the corner... literally): ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

So my journey contiued without "The E-Z-E".

My few minutes are up for now. I guess I had a lot more time than I thought. But my All-Star experience will continue later. I'm out!


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