Friday, July 15, 2005

Meaningless Thoughts

While sitting at my desk waiting for my car so I can go to a meeting that I have to leave for at 12:00 PM (uh-oh), these thoughts popped into my head:
  • Should I get up and go to the bathroom now, or should I wait until I have to go really, super-duper bad so I don't have to get up twice?
  • Is "The Tail" the Native American version of the mullet?
  • Has anyone ever seen the people that can't decide on which hairdo to have? They have it long in the back, held in check with a rubberband, short on the top with gel keeping up spikes and shaved on the sides. DECIDE ALREADY!
  • My socks don't match.
  • I would pay $78 ('cause I'm not that rich) to get the story of each and every Moondance arm band if it could talk. Sheet, I'd pay$86 for the footage if it came with a video camera! Now who wouldn't pay to see that?!
  • Is it just me, or is Journey not going to rock as much without Steve Perry?
  • Who forgot to call Winger?
  • Do they have sprinklers in Scotland? The grass at the British Open looks a tad on the parched side (CAN SOMEBODY GET THE GRASS A DRINK OF WATER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE?!?!?!)
  • Why isn't it called the Scottish (or is it spelled Scotish) Open?
  • Kevin Costner and Dennis Quaid owe me a few hours of my life back for watching "Wyatt Earp".
  • When am I going to get my Vanessa Carlton picture from the concert in April?
  • Is "Oh, snap" still cool to say?
  • If it is, "Oh, snap! I'm not gonna have time to update the "MDJ Chronicles!"
  • If not, disregard the above.

I'll find time for the "MDJ Chronicles" soon. My meeting started 2 minutes ago! Oh, snap!


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