Monday, August 01, 2005

The Book of Jon: Reloaded

What better story of inspiration to tell than the one lived by a boy named Jon? Oh yeah, I’m going to embellish a lot. There will be some truth to it sometimes. Other times there will be nothing but bull excrement. But this is the REAL story.

He was a small-big (chubby) boy who came from humble beginnings, born in the City of Minneapolis in late winter of 1976, to a single mother on the south side in “The Projects”, his first glimpse of the world was between these walls that he would inhabit for the first 3 years of his life. During the short time there, he would not be able to evolve into the full-blown “Sav” he was born to be. For this complex task, he would have to move north, where his two sisters and grandparents lived, to the woods where he would be one of many. A place called “The Rez”.

The late 1970’s were a simpler time. Everyone could be trusted. Violence and disrespect against one another was rare, but not unheard of. During these times, Jon would be sent on a bus from Minneapolis to Bemidji, the town closest to the Red Lake "Rez". The obstacles of single motherhood kept Jon’s mother from accompanying him on this life altering journey. She would join her family on her next paycheck. With his crooked cap and saggy jeans, he was off to the north. With a hug, a kiss and a few tears, The Book of Jon was about to be written.

On the bus, which was driven by a family friend, Jon sat in the front seat which allowed him to witness all the scenic beauty that Minnesota had to offer and stay under the watchful eye of the bus driver. One by one, anxious travelers boarded the bus heading north. Most didn’t get a second look from Jon. He had seen different types of people during his time in “The Projects”. At the tender age of 3, a few months from 4, Jon was eager to leave the city life behind him…

Wow! That story just kinda rolled out. Hmm… this writing stuff is pretty easy when you don’t have regular work to get in the way. Maybe I should retire from the compliance business and just start writing full-time! Does anyone want to pay for that?! Well, this story is just getting started and will get juicier as time goes on. Or some days I’ll just put in the usual mindless thoughts or other observations if work doesn’t get in my way. By the way this story came out, I just might keep on with this saga. Who knows? But for now, I have to get ready to go home and get ready for practice tonight. Sooo… I’m out! Woo!!!


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