Monday, August 01, 2005

Bye, Bye July

It was just one of those months, man. July seemed like it started out okay, then all of a sudden, BOOM! Money is my main problem again. When I was going to school I couldn’t wait to get back to work. Now that I am working full-time, it seems like I’m where I was before. No money, bills piling up, but this time I have birthdays to get ready for and school clothes to buy by the end of the month. WILL THESE PROBLEMS EVER CEASE?! Probably not, but what you gonna do? At least I have my health. Wait… I’ve been hitting the pop pretty hard again, so maybe that’s starting to slip. But I’ve been alcohol free for the past 38 days and no regrets. Yay, Jon!!! Hmm… what else is there to worry about? The Cubs struggled this weekend with the D’Backs, so that has me a little worried again. Kerry Wood is injured… again. Nomar might be back this weekend, so that’s pretty inspiring. My softball teams’ seasons’ are winding down and… wow! That’s all I have to talk about? What a loser! I need an uplifting story to bring me out of my late summer funk. But where would one look to find such an inspirational tale? The newspaper? I doubt it. The tabloids? Not likely. The Red Lake Nation Forum? Hell no! I’ll check The Jon’s hard drive for something and report later on.


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