Monday, August 29, 2005

Today is officially my last day of summer. Tomorrow is another year at BSU. Well, technically, I didn’t really go last year with all my problems. I withdrew last fall semester and tried to go again in the spring by keeping 2 classes, which I failed miserably. So, this year I have 2 classes, 6 credits and a $1,400+ bill. I still don’t know how I’m going to pay for that. I guess I’ll figure something out. So, altogether I have 3 full years of college under my tight belt and nothing but stress and a mountain of bills to show for it. But I’m so close to finishing I might as well tough it out.

Another reminder that my summer is almost over is that my youth softball team’s season ended yesterday with a 4th place finish. Not bad for a bunch of beginners! Go Wolf Pack!

Yet another alcohol free weekend has passed with no regrets. This is day 66. Good job, Jon. Thank you, Jon. You’re welcome, Jon… you sexy beast!

Where was I in my Alternate Millionaire Universe (which from now on will be known as Alt Mil Uni)? Ah, I was packin’ up my game and headin’ out west. Thank you, Kid Rock for those words. Well, I’ve got 38 minutes to kill before quitting time… so, here it goes…


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