Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Alternate Millionaire Universe

While listening to The Foo Fighters’ “Best of You,” two things occurred to me; 1) I have a couple more readers! (greetings fellow bloggers) and 2) I realized that I’ve never thought seriously about where I was going to be 10 years after I graduated from high school. All I knew about that was that I was going to be a millionaire by the time I was 30, but had no idea how that was going to be accomplished… maybe in the movies, or writing, or a super long winning streak at the many fine Indian gaming establishments around my area, Powerball or just stupid luck. But needless to say none of the above has found me yet, obviously. I figured I would be married with kids by now for some reason, but didn’t anticipate having the troubles that I’m having right now. Hmmm… how would I make my millions of dollars within the next few months? I have an idea of how it should happen. The following is going to be my diary of how I will become rich and what I will do with the millions… and millions of dollars that will soon find me. Remember, this happened in an alternate universe (hopefully soon in this one) occupied by only me… and Elvis. On with the tale…

Just another day at Red Lake Gaming Enterprises is what it started out to be. I arrived at my usual time of about 8:10am, a smidge on the late side but just in time for donuts supplied by a generous co-worker. After a few good mornings to my associates and a drink of water to get the sleep out of my system, it was time to roll up the sleeves and get to “work.” But before the work was to begin, one should always check his e-mail and other happenings around the world via the internet because you never know what you’re going to miss. On this day, surfing on company time finally paid off.

After looking on at the powwow pictures and realizing that all the singers are starting to look, dress, and probably act like rappers, I figured I wasted enough company time and realized that it was time to check my e-mail.

As I sorted through the many offers to enhance my manhood and free gas vouchers, I noticed an item that couldn’t be what it offered. The topic said, “We Want to Use Your Writings.” So, being curious cat that I am, I opened it up. Despite what I believed just a half-second earlier, I received an offer to show some more of my writings to a production company in Hollywood that wanted new, fresh ideas in order to get away from remaking every single TV show and movies from years gone by. Apparently, my blog was seen by some important people who use the blogworld to find new talent. After a few phone calls to a few people, and asking the bosses for some time off, just like that (if you could see me, you would have noticed that I just snapped my chubby fingers), I was off to sunny California. If I had ever been to Cali before, it would’ve been an excellent time to set this scene to none other than Notorious B.I.G.’s “Goin’ Back to Cali.” Hopefully my lameness won’t show to the talent seekers.

That's all I have so far. Maybe I'll finish this later, maybe I won't. Okay, I'll try


Blogger SoozieQ said...

I like...hopefully u'll finish it. good work young man!

8:55 AM  
Blogger Jonny R. said...

I will finish this one... if my job doesn't get in the way. I'll start right... NOW!

10:14 AM  

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