Saturday, September 24, 2005

Chicky Check It Out!

After minutes and minutes of trying to figure out how I’m going to plan my trip to Vegas, I realized I really know nothing about the city besides what I’ve seen on CSI and Swingers. So, this could be a very interesting trip. What I know from those resources is you will get caught with a crime if Grissom is working the case, and always, ALWAYS double down on 11. That’s a good enough start for me. I have a few weeks for more research.

Since I have nothing intelligent to contribute to the blog world today, I’ll just offer some thoughts from the mind of a former alcoholic. Hey! I think I might be on to something here. Nah, maybe not. But I do have some stupid things in my head today… well, pretty much everyday. So, on with the thoughts…

  • Can somebody tell the Raiders that we were just kidding. We really didn’t want to trade Randy Moss. We were just trying to scare him straight. You can have Harris and whoever else you want. Please?! We were just kidding!!! It was a joke!!! Come on!!!
  • I think I speak for all Cubs fans when I say, “Wait ‘til next year!” Right, guys? Hello? They must be sleeping or something.
  • Would I look too much like a tourist if I take disposable cameras with me to Vegas? Maybe I should leave the plaid shorts, white belt, and brown socks at home just in case.
  • Is it me, or do all of Staind’s songs sound alike?
  • Since I am no longer a victim of the NBA’s grasp, does anyone know when hockey starts? What? It did already? Maybe I should’ve brushed up on my hockeyness before I jumped in. Go North Stars!
  • Yes, I am going to ignore every minute of the NBA this season. Every minute I tell you!!!
  • Is “I WAS IN THE POOL!!!” the greatest excuse of all time or what? God bless you, George Louis Costanza.
  • And yes, I am probably the last person to jump on the “Family Guy” bandwagon despite constant reminders from friends and my Political Science professor.
  • Sadly, I found out that this is not baby fat that I’m still carrying around. It turns out one shouldn’t still have baby fat at 29 years old.

And last but not least, as of today, this 24th day of September in the year 2005, I will no longer ingest amounts of the one thing that I crave the most in my life. A crutch I was able to find in the worst of times and help me curb my cravings for it. It is you, soda pop, which I will desert for the rest of my days. No more pop for Jonny R. It is truly a sad day for The Jon. Give me a minute… talk amongst yourselves…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings from GREENBAY, WI. Hi, brother just wanted to let you know I check your blogs everyday to see what you write, you are a very talented writer. OH yea I found you a cheesehead in the gift shop here but changed my mind on buying it for you, since u will burn it, I spent my money in the casino instead...:) which was a good investment, now I have enough to go see Randy Travis tonight.. But then again he is getting old, cheaper to buy a shirt and say I went....You will have fun in vegas, you deserve to get away from the stresses in life this trip will do you good... TTYL Sister,

4:45 PM  
Blogger Jonny R. said...

Burn in hell, Cheeseheads!!!

11:03 AM  

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