Thursday, September 29, 2005

Breaking News... CANNONBALL!!!

1353 Hours

What to discuss today? I had a post from yesterday but the computers at work went down so I saved it on a disk which I forgot to bring to school today. So I’ll post that one when I get back to my office. It feels like I’m losing all of my basic functioning skills. It’s the stress I tell ya! Yea, I’m back at school today and for the first time since I started school 4 years ago, I’m starting to feel old. Maybe it’s the past 13 months of working in an office that makes me feel like that. Who knows? And you would think working full-time and going to school part-time would relieve some of the money related stress a little bit. Well, it hasn’t. But enough of my money struggles.

As for my Vegas trip, I still have no idea how it’s going to go. All I know so far is the itinerary was turned in and I will eventually have to get on a plane, which I’ve only done once in my life, and that was 12 years ago. So it should be an interesting trip. I just hope I don’t have a “Rain Man” moment when it’s time to board. Who wants to drive me to Vegas?! But I think I can handle a little turbulence. Oh, and that JetBlue footage didn’t help. Way to go, a-holes! Scare the feces out of me, why don’t you?!

I finally took a night off of softball last night to watch “Lost” and there was nothing new to find out! It’s pretty frustrating to be promised something and never have it delivered. Now I know how my bankers feel, I guess. Stupid bankers!

I’m losing my motivation for everything lately. Is there a pill to take to fix that? Or is there something installed in our inner hard drive that needs to be updated every now and then? I could use a shot of motivation right now. It seems like depression is right around the corner for me. But I’ll fight it off until something good happens for me… I always do. NAH MEAN?! I’m such a weirdo it’s starting to frighten me. Maybe I’m one of those weird, twisted geniuses. But in order to be considered a genius, I guess I would have to be smart. DANG! The life of a below average looking, unmotivated, lazy soul. Too bad ladies, this one’s married!

Until my next bout of motivation, I’m out!

Oh, hell no! There’s a Jesse McCartney video on Yahoo! Now I’m really outta here!!! Curse you, Jesse McCartney!!! Curse you to heck!!!


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