Sunday, October 16, 2005

From The Bottom of the Totem Pole

1427 Hours

Operation Jonny R. Nat’l Hug Day was a success. One person applied the random hug method and was incarcerated for for his effort. Good job, buddy!

Check out this deep thought:

As I was cruising from work to the laundry mat, I remembered the reason I quit drinking. There was a car load of older, seasoned drinkers in a car in the parking lot trying to be cute to whoever was around. I thought back and remembered that’s how I used to be. That’s a tough realization. I was embarrassed for them and even more so for myself. If I kept up my ways of drinking to forget the hurt that was crippling me emotionally at the time, alcohol would’ve been an even bigger problem for me. After that, even more thoughts popped into my head. Things like all of the problems that hurt not just my fellow Red Lakers, but everybody. It occurred to me that pride is the deadliest of all sins for most. Some are too proud to back down from peer pressure and end up in prison for stupid reasons. Others are too proud to admit that they have other issues they can’t deal with like drugs or alcohol. I know the pressures of growing up on the “Rez.” I’ve lived here for 25 of my 29 years. It’s a tough environment to grow up in. Drugs and alcohol are everywhere and done by people you would never expect. To me, it’s coming to a point where everybody thinks if everybody else is doing this, why shouldn’t I? Do what you have to do to survive is the unspoken motto of the “Rez.” Kind of like what the fake rappers rap in their songs. For me being a father at the tender age of 19, it is even harder to succeed in the world. 10 years later I still struggle like I did back then even though I went to college and have a better job than back then. But who knows where and how to change everything? I sure as hell don’t. I think I need a gawdamn hug now.

Hey, I kinda like the name of the title of this post. From now on, that will be the name of my blog! Hoh, I'm clever, eh?


Blogger Jonny R. said...

No, thank you, joe powel. By the way, YOU SUCK, JOE POWEL!!!

2:43 PM  
Blogger SoozieQ said...

LOL...haha...LOL...freakin Joe, gets us all the time. Thanks for the hug btw...

7:53 PM  
Blogger Desiree said...

Yeah, that jerk, Joe.

1:23 PM  

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