Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm Sooooooo Bored...

1543 Hours

With Halloween behind us, Thanksgiving just around the corner, and the dreaded Christmas shopping season not quite in full swing yet (I usually like to shop 2 days before Christmas ‘cause I love the rush), it is time to start thinking about a new hobby for The Jon. Since I have clearly dominated the alcoholism thing (120 some odd days now), I need a new conquest. The graphic novel thing sounds good, but motivation is needed for such a task. Ideas of how one goes about dominating the graphic novel bizz would be good start. But, for the time being I’ll just have to stick to what I know: Being lazy and getting fatter and fatter. Speaking of weight gain, I think that I might be maxed out. I’ve been eating like a bum on Thanksgiving Day and haven’t really noticed a significant gainage of poundage. And I have been putting away the cheeseburgers, pizzas, hot wings, candy, pop and everything else a fat kid isn’t supposed to have. WHAT’S UP WITH THAT?! So, after I finish the current 12er of Coke… it’s nothing but exercise, water and… come to think of it, I don’t even know what healthy food looks like! Maybe I’ll try the Subway diet like Jared and become muscle less pile of goo like him. Wish a brotha luck! The diet starts Thursday. Well, maybe it should start after payday. Hmm… ah hell!


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