Saturday, March 04, 2006

Chapter 1.750

1611 Hours

Like I said, I was just a little fellow and don’t remember much about times like those. Just like everybody else, the more time I spent on Earth, the more I learned. After my years in the “Cities” were up, it was time to move to the “R-E-Z.” I swear there’s a rap song in there somewhere. I’ll find it eventually if I decide to become a “Dope” rapper. But I digress.

My family was, like Peaches and Herb sang, “Reunited and it feels (felt) so good.” That’s old school late 70s/early 80s pop music! They were no Alicia Keys and Usher, but good nonetheless. Now that I got that song stuck in your head, let’s move on, shall we?

Back in those days, I rode back to Red Lake with my uncle, or I sometimes rode the bus all by myself. I was a big boy back then. Besides, society was a lot more trustworthy back then. There were times that the RLPD picked me up at the “Rez Line” for some reason. I never understood that and have never bothered to ask.

Anyway, it was my Grandpa Shorty, Grandma Maggie, my mom, 2 sisters, me, Uncle Joe, his wife and their baby. Did I forget to mention it was a two-bedroom house? Well now I did. Now that I think about it, how the hell did we survive? But, we were family and it was all okay. But since the beginning of time, brothers and sisters don’t always get along. My mom and Uncle Joe disagreed a lot and it got kind of crowded after a while so it was time for someone to go.

Uncle Joe and his little family moved a few miles down the highway, which would later be called “Hooterville.” But we were still living with Grandma and Grandpa. Just like any kid at that age, some things were forgotten or the memories faded slowly with my old age. (Yeah, I think 30 is old.)

*Now that I think about growing up, I think some names, dates and time should be changed. It wasn’t all frybread and pow-wows growing up in Red Lake, you know. A lot of awful things happened that people would like to keep covered up. Maybe I could write under a different name… D’OH! Too late! Somebody has to tell a tale of growing up REZ. Hey, I think I just though of a title for my book! “Growing Up REZ.” That’s gold, kids… gold! Maybe since I have such little traffic on my blog, maybe it would be cool to post on here without anyone noticing. Holy shnikeys I need a break!


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