Saturday, March 04, 2006

Choke On That!

1413 Hours

All that reminiscing has me wondering if the presence of Uncle Joe would’ve restored the balance in the galaxy that is my life. Would things have gotten this out of hand had he been around? For those of you that don’t know, Uncle Joe ditched us all on August 7, 2002. To be honest, I still haven’t fully grasped that fact. I’ve never really been one who accepts death. I mean biologically speaking, there’s no other option. If someone dies, they die… they’re gone forever. But for me, I really don’t feel loss. It’s not that I don’t miss them, it’s just I don’t know how to grieve. I keep putting it off. Like when my Grandpa Shorty died July 3, 1987, I’m still putting it off. How do I do it? I have no idea. Why do I do it? I’m even more clueless. Now I’m no cyborg/cold-blooded individual by any means. I get pissed, upset, and sad and all of that other good emotional stuff human beings go through. I’m just able to keep it inside for the most part. Like I’ve said before, it concerns my family a lot. They say I shouldn’t keep it all inside. But where is a brotha supposed to vent?! My trust issues cripple me and keep me from confiding in anyone. I will occasionally share some stuff, but it ends up in conversations among others. It’s probably just the place that I grew up that has me so internally wrecked. But, what am I going to do about it? I keep my mouth shut, that’s what! Who needs a drink?!

Speaking of drinking, it’s been well over 8 months since my last. If I think real hard I can probably figure out the exact number of days… let’s see… there are 31 days in July, 31 days in August, 30 days in September, 31 in October, 30 in November, 31 December, 31 January, 28 in February, the 6 days I was sober in June, and the 4 in March, so that’s 253 days without one single drip of alcohol. Even when I went to Las Vegas I didn’t have one sip even though a beer was purchased for me. NOT A SINGLE DROP I TELL YA! As Scottie Pippen would say, “I take my hands off to him (him being me.)
Good lord! What is there to do? Is anybody else listening to Silk’s “Girl U for Me” right now? Awww yea! That’s old school! It reminds me of being a junior in high school. Those were the days, bro.

I have to recharge so I can write more uninteresting details about my life. Rock and roll!


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