Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Challenge Thee!

1531 Hours

I don’t know what that previous post was about. I’m going to pull an “Uncle Leo” here and go with “I’m old… I’m confused!”

But anyway… election time is creeping up on us. July something rather is right around the corner. So today, I am inviting—no, challenging-- all candidates to stop by my home so I can ask them questions; one on one, just a good old-fashioned talk; man-to-candidate, have them tell me why I should vote for them. Convince me, damn it! Of course, I’ll share what we talk about in the people’s blog. So remember it, write it down, take a picture, I don’t give a f***! My challenge was made 062106, 1539 hours, Little Rock Standard Time. I’m awaiting your visit, Floyd “Buck” Jourdain, Judy Roy, “Jody” Beaulieu, Don Cook, Sr., William Greene, and Harlan Beaulieu. Ah hell, even Toady and Jambi and Clifford Hardy and Gary Nelson can stop by too. Might as well get everybody involved. Refreshments will be served if you bring some and will not sway me to vote for you.

So there it is. Who will accept? Anyone?

Who will you vote for? Leave a comment. You may remain anonymous if you like.


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