Sunday, June 11, 2006

Political Ramblings

With that out of the way, on to more important stuff.

I just finished reading the Ojibwe News with my morning cereal and I have to say that I am shocked (shocked I tell ya) to read all of the anti-chairman letters. Well, not really. We are clearly not one with, uh... whatever we're supposed to be one with. This is going to be one of the most intense elections that I have ever seen in my 30 years, even though I've only paid attention to the last 16 years or so of politics. In... ter... esting.

You know, I'm all for free speech and stuff, but when a majority of the letters sent to Bill Lawrence are published without a name, it's kind of hard to judge how credible the source is. Standing up for what you believe in, risking all that you have for the sake of your argument is what free speech is all about. But I could be wrong. Don't get me wrong, I applaud those that have the courage to speak up. It's just that I don't see that being the way to get your message across. I especially applaud Barb Beaulieu for the letter she wrote and signed.

As for what is being said in the OjibNews, I can see both sides to this argument. I just don't take anybody else's word for it. I'm not blind, I see the signs, the supporters and other things. One way to say it, like those in the ON, is that the chairman is supporting the alleged drug dealers just because there are signs in certain peoples yards (they are alleged because I haven't heard of any raids or convictions... now the stories of the lack of laying down justice come into play here with all of the ex-employees, disgruntled or not, saying tips to those being raided kept them from prosecuting... but that's a whole 'nother story.)

Another way to see it is that the chairman is uniting the whole RL Nation; from alleged drug dealers to elders. After all, 47% is an impressive number when there are more than 2 candidates.

See? If you put enough spin or stink on your words, some people will agree with you. Thanks for the tip, Mr. Lawrence.

Then again, maybe I don't see it either of those ways because they both have flaws. Yeah, I said it! What?!

Now the way I see it, this coming from a man who is educated, both candidates have their flaws. The chairman has a cloud of controversy over his head with all that has happened in the past 15 months. But being a father myself, I know you never, AND THE ROCK (or Jon in this case) MEANS NEVER, talk about a man's family. I don't really know the chairman that well, so a personal evaluation on my part would be unfair to everyone. The challenger herself is not free of any wrong doing either. She has been our secretary for the past 12 years; 8 under B. Whitefeather, 2 under the late Butch Brun and the last 2 with our current chairman. Everyone always looks at our current debt and blames Mr. Whitefeather and former treasurer Dan King. How does her name always get overlooked? Whether or not she was in agreement with those that put us there, she was still there.

So there you have it. My words on the chairman race. I have more, you know. And I still don't know who I'm going to vote for.



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