Sunday, June 04, 2006

Written by Lydell J. Roberts

0029 Hours

After doing this crap for around 18 months, this is my first ever post during the midnight hour. It feels weird, like some kind of chatting perv. Why am I online this late? Ah, yes. I remember. I received a drunk dial. And the winner is………………….actually this one doesn’t count because it’s my aunt that called and I’m not too sure if she’s under the influence, so she gets a free pass. But it’s still early though. Anyone else will get their number posted and a story on this blog. Operators are standing by. As for last weekend: nothing. Nobody wanted to answer my challenge, which is too bad.

As for other business, I am still a little bothered by what’s happening with my mom. Now I’m normally one who sees management’s side of business. Since it happened to her, I am a little more sympathetic to the employee’s side. For her, I looked up the policies and procedures and found that she was wronged. She did what she was supposed to do, but to my surprise, she was left to fend for herself to the “powers that be” with the help of only ONE representative. I mean the proof was there! She was humiliated and now frustrated. If it were your mother going through this, what would you do? Exactly. The reason I didn’t go up there with her was because this was so easy to understand. But sometimes the simple turn not so simple for some reason. So I am now stunned by our leaders. But we shall get through this. If this is considered disrespectful conduct towards our leaders, then so be it. We are not trying to be disrespectful in any way, just trying to do what is right. The rules have been written and there is no reason for them to be changed for the convenience of those running the show. So there!

Anyway, all of this has further pushed me to want to get away from the Red Lake Nation. I’ve been thinking about this for years. After 9/24/04, I’ve lost the faith. It’s made me want to take my kids as far away as possible so we wouldn’t have to hurt like we have due to the actions of our own people. But I gave it so many chances. Out of fear I suppose. A whole new life somewhere else for us is pretty scary. Can we survive? Will we get lonesome? Who knows; we won’t know until we try it. And that’s what we’re going to do next year. We’re gone.

Looking at our homeland now, it’s kind of scary. Most of our people are satisfied sitting around smoking weed and drinking as much as possible. When that loses its luster, experimenting with other, more potent drugs is the next step. What next after that? What would be left to do? I don’t want to know. I’m afraid to even think about it.

But anyway, I left my name to let everyone know who wrote this. What?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

5:57 PM  

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