Friday, June 02, 2006

It's On Now

2238 Hours

Another (no) work week has passed and the weekend is upon us once again. Honestly, it feels like I crashed that grad party a couple of days ago. Speaking of which, it was good to see my kindergarten buddy, Randy Benais, again after all these years.

Well, since it is the weekend, it’s time once again to get ready for the drunk dialers. Bring it on. The rules are the same; if you call late and wake a brotha up (or my kids… AGAIN), you will be called out. By that I mean your number will be posted on this very blog, I will call you back to see who the f*** you are and your name will be posted and I will share the story of our conversation, again, on this very blog. So I’ll be awaiting your call. Punk.

What else is happnin’ in this world wide “REZ” you ask? First of all, since I have nothing, I have nothing to lose and I am becoming a defender of those that have struggled with the “powers that be.” What was done to my mom wasn’t right. The proof was there to look at. To study, analyze, to just look over. An unjust demotion and drop in pay without documentation not only violates a worker’s rights, but also causes humiliation, stress, and loss of faith in those that are supposed to set an example and lead us. Mistreatment toward the tribal businesses most important assets, its employees, must be looked at before it’s too late. Just because we don’t sit in your circle doesn’t mean we should be treated with less respect. Curse this election season! Curse it to heck! This isn’t over. Who’s with me?!


Woo! That felt good. I’m no longer sitting on the sidelines. Though I wasn’t chosen to lead our people, I will stand up for what I believe in.

Can… you… dig it!!!

P.S. Whoever sent me the info anonymously on Bill Lawrence and wanting a contribution to the Bellecourt legal fund: What's up with that? I can think for myself AND do not contribute to legal funds that have nothing to do with yours truly. Thanks anyway!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

5:57 PM  

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