Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm Ready, I'm Ready, I'm Ready!

After our first night of practice, the adult team is locked, stocked and ready to rock!!! Not really, but our season starts tonight. Only a few showed up last night, but we're hoping for a full squad tonight. Those that want to see magic happen with an awesome display of fundementals can do so at the Green Lake field in Redby this evening.

As for other crap, not much happening. Just waiting to put in more applications for upcoming openings. But I am going to be a lawyer type thing for my mom. She was treated unfairly and I'm going to put my education to use today by way of picking apart some policies and procedures and those that are supposed to go by them. You have been warned. Just kidding. That wasn't a warning, it was a fact.

With the holiday weekend approaching, I expect there to be many parties. Parties that I will have nothing to do with because today is officially my 11th month of sobriety. ELEVEN WHOLE MONTHS WITHOUT ONE SIP OF ALCOHOL!!! Is there some kind of reward for that, or what? Speaking of alcohol and the stupid acts done while under the influence, if you drunk dial me and I don't know or like you, I will post your number on here and other places. I will answer, track you down, and humiliate you. TRY ME! PLEASE?! So please, get a clue. NOBODY here wants to talk to YOU!

Did anybody dig my links the other day? Any of you 4 visitors? I know there is an easier, space reducing means for that, but I'm too lazy for that nerd computer stuff. I'll find more links after my stupid grass gets cut.

Have a super-duper-ooper glorious day, my fellow native americans and whoever stumbles upon this eye-sore of a sight. Rock and roll!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

11:38 AM  

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