Monday, May 01, 2006

Somebody Had to Say It!

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to "The Van DOWN BY THE RIVER!" I see it's been many weeks since I've last posted on this site and let me apologize for the long delay. The usual suspects keep me from posting but I shall update more often since I am no longer employed. Yes, you read that right. I self terminated myself from my job to seek other ventures. As to what those other ventures include, I have no clue. I'm out there for the world to see or use. My mind is an open book. If you have any job opportunities, let a brotha know! Other than my run at a political office (, I don't really have anything on the table right now. So without further a'do, let's get some topics rolling, shall we?

  • Being that all immigrants are taking the day off, does that mean nothing but Native Americans will be working, shopping, and going to school today? I mean, other than us, everybody is an immigrant. Am I wrong in assuming this? It's our world again!!! Just wondering. You gotta be specific sometimes, you know? If I've offended anyone... tough! Deal with it! It's my blog and I can say whatever I want! But I still love you.
  • Is this Moussaoui guy pulling the ultimate game of reverse psychology or what? How about we bring back the old witch burning thing? We can put him in a fire, if he burns and dies, we can just shrug it off with, "Oops, my bad!" Who's with me?! Okay, world news bores me.
  • If "Gray Hair Guy" doesn't win that Idol show, that' s going to suck.
  • When one retires from his everyday duties as a compliance specialist... then what? Because I gotta be honest with you, this is the longest I've been free to do anything besides go to class, work, go to practice, and sleep. Any ideas?
  • That investing in a horse and carriage, Chazz Ingalls style, is looking more and more realistic right about now. $2.85 a gallon?! Get the f*** outta here!
  • Elect Jonny R. in '06! I mean, if you want to. It's your decision after all. Whatever you feel is best for the RL Nation. Rock and roll!


Blogger Jonny R. said...

Not cool, man. Not cool at all.

9:30 AM  

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