Monday, April 03, 2006

Listen Up!

1749 Hours

Spring is in the air, the snow is melting and unveiling garbage I forgot to pick up late last fall, the dogs are done humping like there’s no tomorrow, and most importantly; BASEBALL is back! This is the year, baby! Did you see that dirty smack the Cubs layed down on the Reds today? 16-7! If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is. The year of the underdogs! I don’t know if I shared this before, but the reason I threw my hat into the political ring was to restore the balance of our world. I figure if I can make enough noise as a politician, and possibly win, I could change the way the world looks at people like myself and those like me. Though I haven’t been cursed with bad luck, there have been on more than one occasion some things that could’ve went my way, but didn’t. With this new endeavor, I plan to change all of that for all who have experienced the shortfalls life has so cruelly cursed us with. I declare this, much like the original symbol of suffering, George Louis Costanza, who so gallantly declared, “The Summer of George,” I do by declare this season, “The Summer of the Underdog!” We shall over come all! Who’s with me?! Don’t leave me hanging like Bluto after his Pearl Harbor speech! This is it, baby! We shall overcome!

That will be all. DISMISSED!!!

P.S. Rock and roll!


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