Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Yeah, it's the 150th post on the people's blog. Oh the memories, aye? Remember that one time I talked about that one thing? I was just crazy, eh? Well, maybe I wasn't as funny as I thought was or still am. Good times.

Well, since isn't updated as much as it used to be, I shall step up to the challenge and deliver views, some news, stories, or anything else that I can think of that can be helpful to the Red Lake community, because that's who I care about. I love each and every one of you. I love you (points with lips), you (points), you're a'ight, and... but not you (points with lips).

So... what up in today's world?

Who went to the forum last night in Little Rock? I did. Well, I was one of the speakers, so I was there... and if I had bells, I would've worn them to complete the effect of me being happy to be there. Of course I was about 10 minutes late. (No matter how early I try to get ready for anything, having a wife and 3 girls, I will never be on time for anything. They see to it. GOOD LORD!!!) But I did get most of Chairman Jourdain's speech and dug it. Later on though, he laid the smack down on his non-believers who refer to him as the "Drug Chairman." He was very thorough in explaining to those in attendance how the task force business went down. Well done, sir. Well done.

Now that I think about what went down last night, it would take up so much room to get it all in and BLOGGER always f***s up my huge blogs, I would not do justice to all candidates that showed up last night by summarizing what they said in a short sentence. But I must say that the best speech of the night, excluding my own of course due to my ability to try and be objective, had to go to Treasurer Seki. Touching on the topics of the lake, money, and programs... it was very inspiring. Gold star goes to you, Mr. Seki.

And guess who was the last speaker of the night? THE MAIN EVENT? THE SHOWSTOPPER? Yeah, it was me and yes I watched too much wrestling during my impressionable years. As I said in my political blog, I was a nervous wreck. I mean, how was I supposed to follow all (some) of those great speeches? It seemed like I would have said the same thing as others, but, as in my own personal policy on words, they were all my own. From the bottom of my chubby heart, to the top of my head, and onto the keyboard. I wrote what I felt in that speech. Somebody had to say it, might as well be me! No, I haven't really discussed the issues in what I've said. The issues are going to be there regardless. My family wasn't there to support me because of the "Baby Boy" status I've grown up with I assume. They didn't want to see me in such a stressful situation. But, I'm a grown-ass man. Educated in many fields of higher education. So many, that to this day, I still don't know what I want to do. Mass Comm. is just something to get me to see other opportunities. I've considered being a teacher many times, and still am. I want to be a social worker. I want to be a writer. I want to entertain the masses with my writings if possible. Most of all I want to be a role model. But the thing that appealed to me recently was the tribal council. The opportunity to get up there presented itself, so I'm going for it.

Wait! Where did I quit being entertaining? TARTAR SAUCE! Now I have to start over.


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