Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

With graduation behind me, (the story is at and Election Day this Wednesday, it's almost time for me to get back to regular adult living by finding a J-O-B. But I do have an interview on May 22. Yeah, the pay is a lot less than what I made at RLGE, which I feel I didn't earn or deserve, but it will involve working with the kids of Red Lake. The search will continue on Monday!

As for other news, did anyone catch SNL last night? There was a sketch with Al Gore and how he was the President in some alternate time or universe. Is it just me, or was anyone else wishing for the 2000 election to go his way even more? It felt like everything was going to be all right with the world again for a few minutes. They completed the effect with the Oval Office setting. How depressing is that?

I wish people would quit drunk dialing my phone. It's almost 4 in the morning! Nobody wants to talk to you! You're like a weird stalker! So it would be super-duper if you would call during regular hours. Did that make me sound like an old man? Well, I am 30, you know.

Yeah, I can say stuff like that because I've been sober for almost 11 months now. I can hardly believe it myself! It's starting to get sad with all of the drugs and alcohol around here. Once beautiful young people who were so full of potential and admirable are now struggling to keep a normal lifestyle. The dependency has crippled that potential of this "REZ." Because of this, I bet the age limit for Tribal Council candidates will be lowered to 21. To be honest, it would be a good idea. We have a lot of younger individuals who would be more than capable of doing the job of our current council. WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!

With this enourmous amount of time off I've had, there are so many ideas I want to explore. What better time than now, aye? The stories I've heard over the years have to be known. They have to shared with a worldwide audience. So the first act of my "Kung-Fu-ness" (that meaning I will wander the land searching for whatever Kwai Chang Caine was looking for) is to get a movie going to share the stories with the world. You may laugh now, but wait until I'm at the Oscars getting nominated for Best Picture. Muuuhahahahahaha! I'll keep you posted on the journey.

So now I must do some research!

Happy Mother's Day!!!


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7:56 PM  
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5:57 PM  
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7:28 PM  

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