Thursday, June 08, 2006

Under Construction

You'll have to excuse my lack of updates. My house is undergoing some construction and I had to suspend all everyday materials including internet, cooking, SLEEPING and other important stuff. So forgive me. But I hope you had a glorious 6/6/6! It looks like we all survived.

Right now I'm using my mom's access and have a lot of catching up to do. Over the past few days I've had so many thoughts about life here in Red Lake. Unfortunately, there is no method to my madness and most of those thoughts have perished in my head. But if you wait for the rotting smell of dead thoughts, maybe we'll find them together. Uh, I've said too much.

Earlier, I've said that I wasn't sure who I was going to vote for. I still don't know. No candidates have paid me a visit yet. Not even from my own district. "Well you didn't visit voters either when you ran!" you might say. And you would be correct in saying that. I didn't visit candidates because all of my info was online, being the first candidate to go the "Blog" route. In hindsight, overestimating the internet access for the Little Rock community was my downfall...that and I ONLY GOT 23 MOTHER******' VOTES!!! Curse this male ego of mine. It won't let this loss go. Now I'm upset again. I must go drown my sorrows in food. Oh, I'll be back. You candidates don't get off that easy. Every candidate in every district will be in the line of fire.


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